Hi hi , ? I’m Yvette? Let’s have some fun together? the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Hi hi , ? I’m Yvette? Let’s have some fun together?, 18 y.o.


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Hi hi , ? I'm Yvette? Let's have some fun together? live sex chat

26 thoughts on “Hi hi , ? I’m Yvette? Let’s have some fun together? the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Your mental health and physical health is way more important than a sleezeball who wants to try and manipulate you. You see him, he has manipulated you. You accepts the gift, he has manipulated you. I have been there and done that, and I am not going back. Stay strong. Saying no does not make you weak or selfish… It takes you one step closer to being a stronger better you. Block his number, document his actions, file a police report and tell the jerk from your actions… Suck it! You have no power over me! You got this!! I believe in you!!!!

  2. Yeah…well …its been said of me…..

    doesn't mean I am wrong , though………..

    and I don't get where the OP has any better sense of things.

  3. Sweetie move on he's not worth your time and yes you are good enough never doubt yourself and honestly people tell the truth when they are drunk so please stop wasting your time on a man who will never marry you

  4. Look my BFF and I had a few slip ups. The boys come and go. My bff was there for me and I for her until literally she took her last breath.

    Forgive the friend and maybe find a new fwb?

  5. I’ve had a similar thing happen to me, no ultimatum, but I was a girls first, and she wanted me to make her cum. I was an idiot, “you don’t cum?” “I don’t think so.” “You must not, you’d know if you were, damn I didn’t know I was so bad.” She didn’t want to get me mad or anything, she just wanted to cum, “no like you’re really good in bed.” “I can’t be that good, I want to find your G-spot.” “Ok.” “Next time we have sex I’m gonna find your G-spot.” “Ok.” Fast forward to the next time we have sex. We’re kissing and such, stripping ourselves, rubbing each other. Once she was hard I told her to lay down, “I’m gonna find your G-spot.” She obliges and I start kissing every speck of her body. Measured kisses, with intention. Ones that let her feel my warmth with each peck. I can’t tell you how she felt, but assume she started feeling my warmth, and anticipating it flinching with excitement each time I leaned close. Soon after she started contracting and moaning, all I had done was kiss her. “Are you cumming?” “Don’t stop.”

    This is not a fool proof formula, but I hope you take away this be intentional in the bedroom. Express how you feel about her through physical touch.

    Oh, and the G spot is opposite the clotoris inside the vagina. The clitoris is at the top of the opening usually under the junction of the two lips.

  6. You don't trust him. Why on earth do you want to continue seeing him when your end goal is financial stability and children? Come on, OP. Dump this guy and find a good therapist to help with your self esteem issues.

  7. No, your title should read my boyfriend is cheating on me, do you plan on putts up with a cheater? FYI, you should not put up with a cheater!

  8. I have an action plan for shit like this.

    1 acknowledge the issue, and that it's a problem

    2 decide and declare that you are going to work on it

    3 communicate this to your loved one, and mean the fuck out of it

    4 begin earnestly working to improve


    sounds like you've already done step 1, which is often the really ifficult one. when you get to step three, make sure he knows what you're doing. ask him to kindly let you know if you get “that way”, again. encourage his feedback.

    and be patient with yourself– change is often difficult to make. you may also consider seeing a professional to discuss anger issues. they may be able to give you ways of dealing with your anger when shit happens.

    good luck! make your intentions clear to your bf, and get him on your team.

  9. I have an action plan for shit like this.

    1 acknowledge the issue, and that it's a problem

    2 decide and declare that you are going to work on it

    3 communicate this to your loved one, and mean the fuck out of it

    4 begin earnestly working to improve


    sounds like you've already done step 1, which is often the really ifficult one. when you get to step three, make sure he knows what you're doing. ask him to kindly let you know if you get “that way”, again. encourage his feedback.

    and be patient with yourself– change is often difficult to make. you may also consider seeing a professional to discuss anger issues. they may be able to give you ways of dealing with your anger when shit happens.

    good luck! make your intentions clear to your bf, and get him on your team.

  10. If someone had laid pipe to your girl the day you matched with her, would you really want to be randomly told about this?

    You hadn't met yet, hadn't been on a date yet, hadn't established a relationship yet, and you feel guilty for… What? I'm confused.

  11. Um no. When I was her age I didn't blow up my chances with the guy I liked by kissing random dudes in front of him, no matter how drunk I was. Instead I followed him around like a puppy.

    She either doesn't have strong feelings for him or she wants to be with multiple dudes. Either way, doesn't sound like the girl for him.

  12. That probably just means he's not good at faking crying. There was nothing in that conversation that warrants any emotional outburst whatsoever, just his apology for being a misogynist. Crying is something that people do in situations where it's not warranted to get out of an argument, to manipulate, to confuse, and to control. This guy sounds like a real piece of work. I'd be long gone personally.

  13. Do you want to take care of two children? Because that's what's going to happen if he doesn't shape up here soon.

  14. Run! I'm sure the Ex doesn't know a damn thing about the open relationship. You are probably a branch she is testing to see if she can swing over on to in case the Ex situation goes south. Abusive EX attachments that defy logic, ruin relationships and marriages all the time. Just don't involve yourself with her. Tell her to look you up once she figures her shit out. Otherwise this will ruin your life. Just walk away now!

  15. It's all still too vague, which tells me if you aren't willing to tell total strangers who don't know anyone involved it must be pretty bad. For them all to go NC that tells me you really crossed some lines and not in a small way. You are being vague to try to get us on your side but it's having the opposite effect.

  16. Whenever people say “I’d feel too guilty ending it” I just say “I’d feel more guilty giving a child a bad life”. If you don’t feel ready emotionally, financially, physically, mentally, or in any other way to raise a child, then don’t feel guilty about wanting to wait until the time is right. I was in a terrible SA situation where I ended up pregnant. I terminated it at 6 weeks (the fetus was a clump of cells at that point basically) and never once felt guilty. If I have kids I want them to grow up with a mother that can give them the life they deserve 🙂

  17. This why the fuck are u staying with a man that has no respect for you or your body OP?

    From what u describe this man sees u as a human sexdoll for his convenience whether u want it or not. U cried during the first time u had sex because u felt pressured into it and u still stayed! That's not normal. Men that love u don't pressure u for sex!

    And for God's sake if u come with tht bullshit about how he's loving besides this.


    your no should be a no, your hesitant nature should be an indication that you don't feel comfortable saying no to this man because he doesn't care about your needs or what u want.

    Find yourself a man that actually gives a shit about u besides seeing u as holes he can use when he feels the urge to.

  18. With respect to remaining in contact with Exs. This is actually a red flag that you should research more on your own. There's plenty of peer reviewed and published research on 'continued contact with Ex'. Check out google scholar.

    Surveys find that Exs are the 2nd most frequent source of affair partners (for obvious reasons) and continued contact and their continuing 'historical bond/current friendship' tends to undermine the current primary relationship. Couples therapists recommend zero contact (unless there's children).

    I suggest you assess her more closely as a life partner. Her disregard for your discomfort may be evidence that you are not a priority to her and she's not fully committed to a long term relationship with you. In that context, her behavior at the wedding (although minor if isolated) is actually consistent with her commitment as well as her need for external validation (attention from men).

    Finally, look up 'empathy'. Then make your own determination if your GF lacks empathy towards you. There's no easy or quick fix for a lack of empathy (and many people lack it). For most people, it's a deal breaker.

  19. I was reading the comments after this and I glad this was top, because the others are so naive. “It's okay to lie and deceive your husband for months, because good things happened” Like get real.

  20. I just want to start this reply off by saying you are not too emotional at all and any decision like this is so difficult. It is easy for people out of the situation to tell you what to do as there isn't the same level of emotions, you are clearly thinking about your children and all of the time you have had together.

    From what you say, it seems the relationship is draining a lot out of both of you. You are constantly worried about where he is, which is understandable considering what has happened. The trust has clearly gone in the relationship. I imagine it is very difficult to focus on things like enjoying time at your sister's as you are thinking about what he is doing. There must be tension there between the two of you.

    From my own experience, I would imagine that you took him back out of love and potentially due to feeling there was more of the relationship, like unfinished business essentially. Personally, I would start off by thinking, would you feel you have tried everything in this relationship and would have no regrets if you did break up. Regrets are the hardest thing and looking at the father of your children and thinking we could have tried a bit more, would be so emotionally difficult. If you feel you have tried everything, you are a smart person, I think you'd know what to do. Or if you feel there is more attempts you can make to refresh the relationship, then it probably requires a long in depth discussion between yourself and our partner. Both of you being completely honest no lies and get all your emotions on the table in a calm manner. If he is thinking about other women and is not fully committed to you then you may know the answer of what you need to do. Trust is such a fragile thing and requires so much work to uphold but once it is gone is incredibly difficult to get back.

    I hope you are doing okay as you can be and that this helps in some way. Take care of yourself and I hope you find happiness again.


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