LexyApril live sex chats for YOU!

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6 thoughts on “LexyApril live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Forced compliments may be the minimum for you, it's not for me.

    My minimum is a partner that actually respects me and cares about my clearly-communicated feelings. Because someone who respects you and cares about you won't need to be ASKED to compliment you.

    You say he already knows what you want. Which means that he is actively choosing to not only NOT do what you want, but rub your face in it by complimenting other women. He's being very clear in how he feels about your feelings. He doesn't care. What exactly do you expect to receive advice about?

  2. I'm so tired of the obsession with virginity, whether it's coming from a male or female. When will it end?? It's just so not important.

  3. You WERE very close. Letting your sister be rather severely punished because you’re too much of a coward to say that the condoms are yours is the kind of thing that damages relationships irreparably. At least she knows now that you can’t be trusted. I think it’s always better to know that about someone before you put yourself in a position to need them for anything that matters.

  4. Hey man, I get you are upset, I really do.

    I once gave my mum a really nice watch that I bought using the money I saved up from work.

    She opened it, thanked me but said it wasn’t the style she like. I was really upset about it at the time (19/20 years old I think I was)

    She took the watch back to the store and exchanged it for one she preferred a bit more.

    Now that I’m a bit mature now, I actually have no problem with that anymore. The whole point of me buying my mother a gift was to make her happy. So if she is happier with a different style watch, then so be it. The important thing is she knew I cared and she had a new watch that she liked.

    Gifts can’t always be perfect. But if there’s a way to make the person happier, why not let them do what they prefer? It’s their birthday after all


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