Beautiful-bru live sex cams for YOU!

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4 thoughts on “Beautiful-bru live sex cams for YOU!

  1. She needs to know what kind of person she’s in a relationship. It doesn’t matter what kind of person you think you are. If you’ve truly changed, then maybe she will work with you on that, but she deserves to make that choice.

    If she finds out later, there’s no doubt she will leave you and hate you forever. If you confess, she’ll still likely leave you, but it’s not a 100% chance. Either way she deserves to know.

  2. I know the age gap is going to get a lot of comments. I dated a guy 9 years younger than me when I was 28, so I'm not saying shit about that. In your whole post, only one sentence matters;

    He’s basically ignored my concerns.

    That alone is a do not pass go, do not collect $200 situation.

    One thing that may happen when we break up with a partner that takes us for granted is that they finally start making those changes we needed to see during the relationship. Should you break it off and that happens, please remember: he wouldn't make those changes when he knew you were hurting as long as he could tell himself that you're his.

    Good luck and warmest regards, OP.

  3. No, I normally don't stop to take a drink? Lol. I guess in some situations if it was dire I might, but in 99% of cases the last thing I'm thinking about is taking a drink. I'd normally just “wait” (not really waiting though bc its not even on my mind) til after it was over.


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