Lily the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Lily, 24 y.o.


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7 thoughts on “Lily the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Everybody's sex drive is different and to each their own. Once a week may not satisfy others but if that's what satisfy the both of you then there is no reason to fret. My husband are are very much in Love and happy but because of our schedules sometimes we have it once a week and sometimes once every other week

  2. He's 41 and he doesn't have money? I know it might not seem like it matters to you now but trust, in a couple years that will start to make you wonder. And it WILL matter to you then

  3. I genuinely didn’t intend it as false concern, more like situational concern. Basically, “if you’re letting him win, that’s great. But if you’re not (because that’s what you’re saying) then that is very concerning” etc. because to me, that would genuinely be concerning.

    It’s situational to me because I don’t know this person and I have no idea if they’re lying or not and the speech and possible outcomes is tailored to allow for either outcome to be the truth.

    If she’s not lying then I’d genuinely be concerned for her and some sort of medical intervention might be necessary. If she is lying then gaslighting someone into worrying about her health (mental or physical) is kind of fucked, and showing that you’re genuinely worried about her will hopefully allow her to realize that she needs to tell the truth.

    Obviously if OP is not at all concerned about her health and is 100% sure that she’s lying and there’s no other explanation, then don’t use this speech because that would actually be weaponizing false concern.

  4. Fuck this entire situation. If one of my parents spit in my bf's face because he wasn't the right race, I would be done with my parents. Your bf didn't even escalate the situation. He just walked out, which was the best thing he could possibly do in the situation. Now, you're mad at him? If you can't stand up for him now, this relationship is doomed.

  5. create a stable enough environment to change her mind

    Did she say she didn't want kids because you weren't stable? When she said she was 10-20% pro kid – did you not ask her why? What her thoughts and reasoning were on not wanting a kid (because only being 10-20% wanting a kid is 80-90% NOT wanting a kid)? Did you even ask or just assume it was stability?


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