Violeta-sanz live! sex chats for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “Violeta-sanz live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Op stick up for yourself. You don't deserve it because you were distant. Next time def communicate what's going on with you better but that doesn't give her a free pass to cheat…..

  2. Also they don’t have to be a horrible person or do terrible things. You can break up with someone just because they don’t mesh with you. You don’t need a “good” reason (cheating, abuse, etc) because literally being unfulfilled is enough of a reason itself.

  3. He’s intentionally trying to drag you down so you’re too insecure to leave his old ass.

    20 year age difference and he tries to make it sound like HE is doing YOU a favor.

    It will only get worse as he gets older and his looks catch up with his age. Do you really want to let him destroy your sense of self-worth so he’s not as afraid that you’ll leave him?

    Do yourself a favor and break up with him. Find someone closer to your own age with confidence that doesn’t depend on you feeling bad.

  4. I wouldn’t get too excited about that.

    He could’ve done that on his own long ago and he chose not to.

    There’s nothing for him to understand, it’s a routine that you’ve created for yourself and for your health. If he can’t grasp that, then… so be it.

    He can sit and pout and obsess over it or he can figure out something to do on his own.

  5. She's probably terrified of rejecting you directly because YOU'RE HER FUCKING BOSS. She's worried you'll make her job difficult if she tells you to fuck off.

    Leave her alone. Her relationship is none of your business and you're being a total creep.

  6. So I know that medications do actually help, but I understand that some are slow or reluctant to dive into psychology behind behavior. Digital reminders never did help me. Routine can help, a person reminding me could (if solicited, like if I didn't ask it'd really just piss me off). Something more natural than meds that has a number of other benefits had been mushroom supplements, I just made sure to get fruiting body in the supplement, do your research beforehand (I hope this is allowed but the one I got was from Stonehenge). The only other thing that did help was getting a way to make brushing my teeth something more fun and something to look forward to. Like for me I got a chocolate flavored toothpaste, yes it exists and it is actually really beneficial and tastes like chocolate.

  7. You have stuck by your job this entire time he’s changed his multiple times! I would hire you 10x faster than I would hire him! So, go get your job with your awesome résumé! He won’t go far with his. Managers look for people who stay. We put big X’s on applications that have job after job listed, with no length of time with company. They are most likely unreliable! I get he was fired for something he didn’t do, but did he fight back at all, or kinda say oh well? He’s been way too willing to move on, over and over. You’ve worked hard and this is something you’ve EARNED! That is the difference!!!

  8. Your friend is insane and you shouldn’t bring your child around her… you don’t know who deep her anger/jealousy might go

  9. First…don’t get back with the ex. Next, have fun and get to know the new girl but be open communicating and take it slow to make sure you have both really ended your previous relationships. Good luck!


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