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6 thoughts on “Angetel live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. You are right but there is more going on here, and while mom was wronged, it doesn't make her right when she is asking this of her son.

    Besides an ultimatum? Loser's give ultimatums. While I hate cheaters, I and many others cannot abide manipulation, and that's what she is doing. Unacceptable.

  2. You have your parent’s support. Your boyfriend is a clod. Not sure what kind of reaction you’re expecting from your parents. Kinda sounds like you’re looking for an excuse to play victim.

  3. You say your girlfriend's family speaks a different language – am I right to assume you and her come from different cultures as well and perhaps even grew up with different family values because of that?

    I would personally feel the exact same way you do if I were in your position, but if you have cultural differences, I think you both need to do a better job at trying to bridge whatever gaps you encounter and this might be one of them. The best way to do that, in my experience, is to openly acknowledge that there is a gap and assume an open mind.

    Your girlfriend shoulnd't immediately jump to the conclusion that you're being non-committal, but you also shouldn't assume she doesn't care about your feelings. You're most likely just having a misunderstanding of some sort that you're currently both stuck in.

  4. Stop saying about you being insensitive. She deleted all traces of you on socials, she’s pulled away, it’s a pretty clear sign that she’s over it, just ask her and that’s that.

  5. Some people, in my experience, have said that saying sexual assault is triggering for them and we shouldn’t even consider talking about it. We shouldn’t be responsible for their trauma lol.


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