KIRLIAN live sex chats for YOU!

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17 thoughts on “KIRLIAN live sex chats for YOU!

  1. It sounds like you're trying to make sense of what happened between you and this guy, but at the end of the day it's nude to know without asking him directly. Ultimately, it’s up to him if he likes you or not, so I suggest having an open conversation with him about your feelings. While it can be intimidating, being honest is often the best way forward – that way you will have a clearer understanding of where both of your stands. Good luck!

  2. Hello /u/moondeeny,

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  3. Just move the water bowl. Problem solved. You sound really controlling. Benadryl for sleep is super common. There’s no valid reason I can think of for your judgmental attitude towards that.

  4. First, my very sorry for what happened to you.

    Second, your post reads like you think you’re a loser or not finishing, reasons aside as they came later. I suspect that’s not the case, truly. Six dates says he likes you for you. You may wish to discuss in therapy how your trauma has impacted your esteem, if you have not already, or revisit it.

    Third, the only real question then, is when. This is easy, when you are easy to tell him.

    The really big bit: My only suggestion is tell him about being raped at that former school, before you say it was the reason you didn’t finish. The one is far more important than the other and I think you have them reversed (utterly IMO).

  5. It's not your fault and all the people telling you to lie and be supportive to him during this time are wrong, for both him and you.

    I, personally, would either call his mom up or text her and say:

    “Hi, [her name].

    I am really sorry that your son is in the hospital right now, but I cannot forgive him for cheating on me and I won't pretend to do so. I understand if this makes you hate me, but he needs to learn to online without me now. I hope he gets better and gets help, but from now on please do not contact me or my family about him or his condition anymore and please keep him from contacting me.”

    His suicide attempt, whether genuine or real, is manipulative. Done not just because he may be hurting after the breakup, but because he wants to make you feel bad for him, feel guilty for his attempt so that you get back with him to help him and then stau because you don't want to risk him doing it again as he has proven he will try.

    It is NOT your fault and never will be; he and his health are not your responsibility and it is wrong that the people around you are acting as if it is.

  6. He used you for sex. Period. Then he chose to treat you like garbage. Do yourself a favor and block him so next time he's horny he can't use you, again.

  7. Someday you, and everyone else who says “because I love them”, is going to realize that there are times where loving someone isn’t enough. This isn’t a romcom, this isn’t a book, this isn’t a TV show. He threw something at you and then thought that it was right to do so.

  8. I saw a post about a woman who found condoms in her husband's bag. They have never used condoms EVER.

    This man said he bought them for their anniversary and she believed him. Like condoms are going to spice up their sex life lmaooooo

  9. You need help. This guy clearly has mental health issues and you’re a misandrist. Maybe it’s unconscious bias but god damn if you see overweight and unhygienic and your first thoughts are stinky loser, you need help.

  10. The more I thought about it, the more suspicious it seems. Plenty of people here have offered great advice. Good luck! Post an update if you can!

  11. I don’t know about anyone else here, but I wanna find someone who gives me that pass out, forget to breathe and then vomit type of head. Send me to the moon!

  12. Girl this guy has a warped way of thinking, if he actually believes that he's going to find someone without a history he's sorely mistaken, I'd tell him to get to stepping and good luck in his search for the perfect woman. Fuck that loser all over the place, not literally though because obviously that part would bug him.


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