Gabriella Gigii 18 live! sex chats for YOU!

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6 thoughts on “Gabriella Gigii 18 live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Different perspective here from some of the women trying to defend her actions. Let me ask you a few questions man to man. I take you’re either a teenager or in your early 20s, by the way you’re communicating this story. Just a few questions to help you think.

    Why do you want a gf? What are you hoping to gain from having her right now in your life?

    Why does she take pictures of her ass? If, those pictures are only for her and her self-confidence, then why does she need to share them live!?

    When a women shares naked or partially hot or “hot” pics of themselves live, who is for? What sort or response should she expect? And from who?

    If, attention and validation from other men besides her bf, encourages her to keep seeking their attention and validation and not her bf, whose opinion means more, when her bf asked her about posting her ass live to others?

    Do you want a long term relationship with a women? What standards and boundaries as a man have you set before dating her and communicated to her when you became official?

    Do you feel that she’s more into you or are you more into her in this relationship?

    What do offer her in this relationship? What does she offer you?

    With the seven points above, I’m going to encourage you to do research on the negative affects of online/ in person validation and how it’s like a drug. It’s hard for someone to cut it off when they’re use to getting it all the time. That’s why she responded the way she did.

    Maybe she’s not ready for a relationship. You’re right in that you can’t control her, but you don’t have to put up with anything you do like or don’t feel comfortable with.

    So, this is how you handle this situation.

    Tell her that she can do and post what ever she wants. But, if she chooses to do so. You can choose to find a different girl. Plain and simple.

    You’re a man. Make man decisions. Remember that there are plenty of women in this world. Many bad ones out there that may look naked with a great a.. -start thinking with your head.

    I’m sure she’s hot, that’s why you’re with her. But, live a little more life and understand as you get closer to 30, you have options.

    Also: Don’t on-line with, join finances, share passwords or any of that crap unless you’re about to get married to a a woman.

    Dm me if you want to chat more in the future.

  2. Hello /u/snaghub,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  3. I am going to get banned by this sub for this probably. But I really want to know how are men like this born. Do they undergo some extra procedures to be like this?

  4. Also, cops suck at their jobs very hot sometimes but why has it been so long with no results? Did the detectives give her a card? I’m not a woman but if she was having trouble walking and she had wounds/abrasions on her that were in line with sexual assault I would say she was assaulted. She could have freaked out about the whole event and made a bad decision in the morning to lie but honestly, filing a false report and taking a rape kit is taking a lie insanely far. I’m not saying people don’t do it but risking prison and false rape allegations. If she is lying she’s a terrible person and if she isn’t she’s totally blameless. There’s no good situation for either of you but the only silver lining is the truth in this one will set you free.

  5. Big assumption that OPs wife wouldn't allow it, or he thinks they wouldn't allow it. I say just ask tho, if I want a week playing video games I do it and take a week off work, my partner is fine with it.


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