Abigail-morgaN live webcams for YOU!
31Ki enjoy your company, im here for all your fantasies/ @getting nude if you make my goal explot/ Join to my fanclub and u will get 5 Excl Pics [221 tokens remaining]
i enjoy your company, im here for all your fantasies/ @getting nude if you make my goal explot/ Join to my fanclub and u will get 5 Excl Pics [221 tokens remaining]
Also how old is sister?
I’m assuming you’re probably on break from school right now? The best bet is to tell a trusted teacher, counsellor, coach, etc. Are you able to email anyone from your school? Are any of your friends parents trustworthy? Maybe you could even sleep over at a friends for the time being as well.
I am so sorry you’re in this situation, my heart is breaking for you. You deserve so much better, and to be protected and safe. Keep us updated and stay safe. Please keep locking your door as well.
She’s not a good person. Using someone as a beard (without their knowledge; some people have ‘agreements’ for multiple reasons) for years is a nasty thing to do, she’s robbed you of years or real meaningful love and sex. You should divorce her and find someone who can love you fully
Well, you can't both trust your boyfriend 100% and at the same time be making a post about all the behaviour of his you think is weird and look for reassurance that he is indeed being weird.
And I'm sorry, but he is being weird. They were romantically involved as teenagers, had issues setting boundaries with each other after that, and she tried to trick him into sleeping with her as an adult even though she's married and he's in a relationship with you. Why would he even think to entertain her antics when they meet randomly in the supermarket, especially if your general proximity to each other dictates that this is bound to happen eventually?
I don't know about you, but if someone betrayed my trust and I felt negatively towards them, I sure as hell wouldn't be inviting interaction with them if I met them in the supermarket let alone hug them.
Just go. She doesn't want to have the kind of relationship you do. That's all there is to it.