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13 thoughts on “ADRIAN (YELLOW GLASSES) LEO (CURLY) OLIVER (LONG BOY) BELLA (BRUNETTE) LINELLE the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. She’s gaslighting you into believing you’re wrong. You went out of your way to do what you thought would be a nice gesture. A typical person can be upset while recognizing that it was a kind thing to do. A typical person (especially one with mental illness like myself) has to be at the top of their game when it comes to communicating. She’s acting helpless, codependent, and possibly you caused all of that, and it’s not fair that we always have to be our best selves and be the bigger person and do the therapy and read the books – but it is what it is. Eating disorder or not – you either eat the dinner as prepared or you don’t eat. Which could trigger her. Which is why she needs to be the one to say “I’m going to make the meals. I appreciate what you were trying to do, but because I’m the picky eater, I’d prefer I’d you woke me up to cook.” And then she has to stick to it. Neither of you can be angry about situations you create. Why did she need you to do her adaptive stuff on her computer? She’s finishing undergrad – she couldn’t figure it out? It’s one thing to ask for help – but to demand you do the entire thing is something else entirely. This is a very strained relationship. She’s messed up – as am I. It’s not a judgment, it’s what is. And being not messed up is on us. Not our partners. She needs therapy. She’s in school and should be able to get a free one through the university. Also in the uk don’t you have universal healthcare? Correct me if I’m wrong. She can do most doctor visits on her laptop. Dentist, and friends – that’s on her to do. She has to say “in six weeks I need $55 to get my teeth cleaned. If they find anything wrong I will bring the bill home to discuss what we can and can’t afford right now.” I had to wait over a decade to get my teeth fixed – but keeping up on them being clean is my responsibility. I have so much in common with your wife it’s difficult to see who i used to be. But there is hope for change. If she desires it. If she sees nothing wrong with her actions – you need to set healthy boundaries. If that means a separation – that’s what it means. It doesn’t get better once college is over. If she sees nothing wrong but you, she will continue to guilt you into being her constant caretaker. Next it will be she’s too stressed to work. Too stressed to be kind to your children. To stressed to get out of bed. Nothing but demands and screaming matches. It just keeps getting worse until something shocks her into changing. For me it was the fear of losing my partner. I’ve always been in therapy but I didn’t take it very seriously. I grew up with abusive parents. I have a slew of mental health issues. I struggle with an ED and require my food to be very precise. So all of this comes from a place of being in wife’s shoes.

    She is wrong here. You can acknowledge your part in it (not knowing how she prefers spaghetti?) and work on the food together. Make sure the plan for what you are eating, your budget, supplies in the house for what – all of it – to prevent this argument in the future.

    But besides that she needs therapy and you need MC. Full stop. It’s an unhealthy dynamic. No matter who is wrong – you both need to be working to be better for each other. If one isn’t working, the other needs to set the boundaries and be ready to act on them. We can only control ourselves.

  2. I feel like everyone is ignoring the second part of what you said.

    It's terrible for many reasons, op badly needs a therapist, this should not be her reaction. Also her husband now knows what will happen if they ever separate and has now been put in an appalling position if that is something he might consider in future

  3. I'm also concerned that the sister had absolutely zero care regarding how the prank would effect the baby as OP's stress levels would be super high as a result. Is she trying to harm the baby and the mom? Did the sister not stop to consider the effect the prank could have on a pregnant woman, if it went badly, which it did.

  4. Move closer to your family not his. You don't need free childcare if you rent is cheap near where you want to work. If he gets his way now, you will never get to go your farm area. There will always be an excuse.

  5. She is happy with how we work. She thinks work is love. She understands that couples need to hug. She don’t do it on her own. She likes when I hug her and she likes sex if I start it but she has never started sex and hugs me maybe five times a year. Maybe if I have built a fence or dug a hole she needed. I want more physical acts of love from her.

  6. ooooh for sure. there was a post on a Facebook site about this issue and women have apps on their men's phones to notify them whenever there is ANY activity. The men can't call anyone, text anyone, open social media or any apps without their women getting notifications. I didn't even know these apps existed. One woman said her husband has to admit to ANY masturbation because their marriage counselor suggested it. I was blown the hell away.

  7. Just make sure you are buying the absolutely correct sizes if you go this route. Sneaky McSneakerson all the way

  8. Yes, her age struck me. 21 and messy isn’t fun, but 30?!? This was not buzzed, this was borderline if not full black out drunk, which she should have a handle on by her age. It won’t get better any time soon.

  9. Hell no of course we don’t all think this way, jfc. He’s a little boy in a grown up body.

  10. They’re probably making a bunch of shit up just so that Jake can get laid. Don’t fall for all this guilt tripping BS

  11. My husband is originally from N Africa as well. But he sure as hell doesn’t tell me what I can and cannot do in order to “protect” me. He voices his opinion about certain things but he doesn’t act like a total childish asshole when I do not obey him.

    You are making crazy controlling behavior out to be acceptable when it isn’t. If a man doesn’t have the ability to find a compromise and not be a controlling ass, that is no man. In this instance, the fiancé is not acting like a decent man.

  12. I would send her a text or try to get in touch with her. It's possible she may have not realized she left it and has been looking for it.


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