AdrianaLight on-line sex cams for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “AdrianaLight on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Sorry girl, but you don't need a second wedding you a divorce and then a second husband. Your husband is either asexual or gay.

    Please don't make the mistake that you can change him or that he'll somehow change on his. own. If he hasn't wanted to have sex with you through years of dating and a couple years of marriage then it's just not going to happen. If by some miracle he does have sex with you at some point the odds of it becoming a regular thing are near nonexistent.

    Please, realize the mistake and set yourself free to move on in life towards the happiness and fulfillment you deserve.

  2. Get her out of the house. If things go South, she might be able to lawyer up and require some shit from you…common law marriage, or God knows what legal action can be taken.

    There's a child, so your relationship with baby-momma isn't as cut and dry as “hooking up” with a woman.

    Give her a 30 day notice. The writing is on the wall and consequences will become very steep the longer you engage with her.

    I'm fact, you may want to seek legal counsel just to “temperature check” your situation.

    Best of luck!

  3. I have never condoned cheating before IN MY LIFE… but honestly good for her. You’re a piece of shit

  4. I hope you realize that you're better than this guy gives you credit for and that we're all on your side here. Your boyfriend is abusive

  5. I know it’s a little off topic but I meal plan for the week and do my grocery shop on Saturday. I plan to cook 4 days and use leftovers 3 days. So there’s always stuff in my freezer too. And I have a little whiteboard on our fridge so once someone opens a thing, it goes on the board so I can have a backup within a few days.

    I just don’t have time to screw around so I run a pretty tight ship when it comes to stocking the pantry and fridge. It’s really helpful when I have a long work day or am down with my chronic illness. Everything is already taken care of.

  6. Whoever decided to plan this is pretty thoughtless.

    I think you and your girlfriend should decline because “We are going to be celebrating my birthday on the same night”, and then the two of you should go have a fabulous date night out on the town.

  7. All the above. Pick up the pieces and take one day at time. Start a new hobby or learn a new skill. Go out and be engaged with life. Be present. Show up and live! new experiences.

  8. Bruh if you're with a man and have to compete constantly with another woman then move on, this is not worth at all. There's plenty of men out there that would treat you like a goddess only having his eyes on you, he's not one of those men


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