Ahrijonas on-line webcams for YOU!

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4 thoughts on “Ahrijonas on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Yes. It sounds like both of you owe each other an apology and he should stay with his mom until he’s able to take responsibility for his part of the argument. Yelling, name calling, & running away are all very immature.Sounds like you both need help learning communication skills on how to be direct and talk about your feelings and perceptions without yelling or being passive aggressive.

  2. She's great in other ways and I want to find out how I can get her to be understanding about this situation

  3. Imho you both have a lot of red flags and your individual idiosyncrasies may just make you not compatible as partners.

    Her saying she will never trust you and always have her guard up? That's a huge problem. Without trust and respect, relationships fall apart, but to say she will NEVER trust you says either she is incapable of trusting OR there is something about you that makes her feel unsafe around you.

    You are also showing a huge lack of awareness or sensitivity of her feelings. You work in a public facing industry so you should know how to read the room and figure out what sorts of things are ok to joke about with any given audience, but are failing to apply that to your interactions with her. Humor is great but not when a jokester is saying things that make you feel like you are being made fun of or are slapping you in the insecurities constantly.

    Not wanting you to put your feet up and relax could be controlling… or it could be a sign that you've left her a whole bunch of work to do and she needs you to step up and do your fair share.

    I'm glad you are both in therapy but I'd highly recommend you see a couples' therapist to help you both learn how to communicate better with each other.


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