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10 thoughts on “AlbertaLuccian on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I agree that we are probably a bit codependent but there’s no denying we share an incredible amount of love for each other. I haven’t been to therapy recently due to not being able to afford it but I have already booked an appointment following this incident.

    Also I have to make it clear that I was already feeling suicidal this wasn’t a ploy to make her stay. I can think rationally now and see how dramatic and ridiculous it all is now but it’s not the first time I have felt extremely suicidal and wanted to act upon it. I will admit the guilt from hurting her and my loneliness made me try to jump out the window as I felt I was a horrible person and did not want to live. I am aware I need help. Have needed it since I was a kid but had emotionally neglectful parents. We both have past trauma and need help to grow as people. Hopefully we can be together again one day but right now I agree that it’s too toxic and harmful.

  2. Lineage can be about name but it can also be about carrying on your line, as in genes, adoptive children often try to connect with their bio parents as adults even in closed adoptions, and yes donating an egg works too, didn’t think of that. Good point. That’s a suggestion that could be better than adoption, potentially less medical risk and less expense, not sure if they’ll do that though at OPs age.

  3. He said that he would never “accept cheating” and he isn’t because she isn’t his spouse. He is “accepting” a flawed friend and being supporting her during a difficult time.

  4. Sorry, but I I laughed out loud reading this. Your girl sounds like an absolutely insufferable arse. What a cartoonish character.

    Leave and never look back, in a couple of years she’ll be a funny story you tell your friends.

  5. See the video game part I feel you shouldn’t care about. The cat thing followed by the movie is the straws that would’ve broke the camels back for me. You’re at a perfect age to still go in the dating world and get someone who cares and respects you.

  6. First off, congratulations on your graduation! I hope you have a wonderful day and celebration! This day is about you not your father.

    My father and I have been LC for years and years now. Never stopped him from coming to my graduations, all three of them. My sister invited him to my grad school graduation and she and I fought for over a year after about her inviting him behind my back. It took a while for my family to respect that I want little to nothing to do with my father but they respect it now.

    My advice would be to write him a letter and explain clearly that’s he’s not invited and to no longer contact you going forward. I would also make sure that everyone who’s invited knows that he is specifically not invited. Be clear with them so they understand you’re serious.

    Best of luck!

  7. So how many times do you think you need to forgive her before it sinks in that this is who she is and that her feelings for her ex are never going to go away?

    Maybe it would help you to look at the state of your relationship with your wife like this.

    Even though you guys have been together for a long time now, have been through ups and downs and have even stood in front of all of your family and friends and expressed your love for each other, she has after all of this still felt a huge amount of love for her ex. No matter what you have done for her and for the relationship, he has always been there. He has been an ever present part of your dating, your engagement and now your marriage.

    So ask yourself then. You have shown her love, you have shown her commitment and you have shown her boundless love and affection under circumstances that would have had lesser men running. And she has rewarded you by dragging the person she actually loves continually back into your relationship. At what point does it stop?

    When you have done everything you can ever possibly do, and she continually chooses him over you, at what point do you sit down and realise that what you have, is in your mind only.

    Can you ever, ever believe a word that falls from her lips? Can you ever believe any act of hers is done from true love and affection for you and not as some means to smooth the waters so that she can continue on with him? At this stage you can't. At this stage you never will.

    It's time to take off the glasses you see her with and see her for who she truly is. This is her, the person who continually contacts the ex, who looks for sugar daddies and flirts with strangers – this is her. This is the person you have married.

    For you, this is all you need to understand. You can forgive her one last time as you walk away from her.


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