Alejandra on-line sex chats for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “Alejandra on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. After 2 months with incriminating evidence and no effort to prove it wrong? Yeah, for me. Especially if i had been in his car and never saw it before. For me it wouldn't be worth the risk of spending years with a cheater.

  2. He was in the story, it was a group picture that they were in. The gifts were some weeks after the breakup.

  3. No gimp mask but my head was pushed into a cushion so fingers crossed that they belive it was a friend with identical tattoos to me getting ass blasted by a mountain.

  4. Please please don't go back. Stop entertaining this drawn out pain. He has not been a good partner for 2 years and has tried to destroy your personhood, so you never leave him, and he has done it deliberately. If you go back now your life is all but done. You will reinforce the pattern and he will assume he can do as he pleases.

    Let him learn from this and be a better man for the next person. You have taken him as far as you can go. Don't be lied to and don't be sucked back in by fake promises.

    I know this is devastating and confusing but as you start to make your own decisions and follow your own path things will become clear. Where do you want to be in 6 months or a year? Back in this situation with this ongoing pain? Stop prolonging the agony and cut him off

  5. It doesn't and sometimes leads to a more explosive reaction in my experience. Dudes literally don't care if you have a boyfriend. Your girlfriend played it smart by evading him. Situations like this are why girls give theirs or fake numbers to ghost later. Some dudes don't take no for an answer so you don't give them anything to say no to. That's what she's doing, she's not letting him get into her personal space.

    I don't know you or what you've been through, but if you don't trust her you need to work on you and your relationship and and figure out why that is or get out. This mentality will destroy you and isn't a good place to be.

  6. Honestly, you should be able to tell him, “I would appreciate it if you could not say A, B and C around me as it could potentially impact my recovery, I don’t want to think eating disorder-related thoughts and I do when you say that.”, without him considering that nagging.

    It sounds like he needs some therapy as working towards a healthy goal is absolutely unhealthy if you’re trying to get there in unhealthy ways. You’re not going to find health that way.

    He sends you success stories of people who lost weight despite their mental health issues? That’s one huge red flag. Please get him to stop doing that. A quick, “No one’s situation is the same and, as someone with a history of eating disorders, I would appreciate it if you didn’t send me these as it could be quite triggering for me.” is warranted the next time he does that I think.

    If he isn’t open to not saying these things around you, I think it might be in your best interests to get some distance there.

  7. Well here is how it happened:

    we weren’t exclusive because we lived in different countries.

    You do know, not everyone is going to think like you and have the same heart. So that means you have to be aware, just because YOU value honesty, doesn’t mean someone else you care about does as well.

    All you can do is protect yourself by being aware of how things are.

    You two aren’t exclusive, which means he may tell you if he sleeps with someone like you asked…

    HOWEVER… loop hole, you didn’t ASK for him to disclose ALL sexual activity, including oral sex!

    He assumes only penetrative sex counts in telling you.

    Chlamydia can be transfer through oral sex and be negative, while undetected for years with no symptoms. One of the few STD’s out there besides HPV, that pulls this magic act in the human body.

    My guess, a lie by omission of not realizing, oral sex counts and most likely got a blow job from someone, since it can be passed orally, vaginally, and through anal.

    So time to realize he did catch it from someone and it could of been at any point you’ve been together.

    And yes, I know this cause I had an ex who cheated on me and gave this STD back in 2018. Hence why, I’m telling you, you can have oral sec and still catch it, pass it along!

  8. Here's the thing bro, it's her life, and its her body. She has the right to photograph it however she wants, and has the right to show it to whoever she wants. She knows this, and there is absolutely nothing you could say or do – not even threatening to break up – that will change her mind. And if she does cave to your pressure, she will resent you for it.

    You need to decide for yourself whether or not you want to be in a relationship with a girl who does this. If this is your deal-breaker, that's fine. We are all allowed to have our deal breakers.

    The thing about boundaries is that you can't set boundaries with other people, you can only set them for yourself. Boundaries are an agreement you make with yourself about what you will and will not tolerate. To be healthy boundaries, your response cannot be to retaliate or punish a person for crossing the boundary, it has to be something you do to remove yourself from the situation. You can't control what your girlfriend does. But you can chose how you respond to it.

  9. I'm going to start with what I think you must need to hear: no matter what you look like, there is almost certainly someone out there that you're attracted to who thinks you're sexy af. I know it's shocking, but true. The problem you may be facing now is that people (such as yourself!!) get so caught up with what they think everyone else considers attractive and how that equates to your status or value as a person you forget attraction is so fucking variable person to person and so fucking subjective. There are tons of guys who are powerfully attracted to fat women who instead date skinny women they're unattracted to just so their loser friends won't make fun of them.

    Moving on: I don't like how you start this whole post off by throwing yourself to the ground as though you're a worthless person. On top of being shitty to yourself, it suggests that your girlfriend is your magic pixie dream girl – someone there to help you but lacks her own agency. There are no saints, we're all just people and if you respect her enough to be in a relationship with her, then you also need to accept that she's got her own needs and desires that include you. Congratulations!

    Furthermore: she's no saint either if she judges you based on how attractive your ex is. That's not cool. However unattractive one person may think another person is simply not a reflection of their value as a person, and to suggest otherwise is toxic. That seems like a lesson you should learn for yourself as well op!

    Now if your ex was an abusive asshole, and your current girlfriend is saying you deserved not to be abused or mistreated, that's a difference story.


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