Alice Gomez online sex cams for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “Alice Gomez online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Oh I'm so happy to read this OP. I couldn't fathom the kind of man who would let his wife sleep in a car while he had a warm bed inside. 🙁

  2. Your husband is having an affair.

    He’s projecting all his guilt onto you and clinging to any plausible excuse to divorce.

    Wake up.

  3. It's wrong he kept the fact that he had a kid from you for 3 months. Huge red flag for me plus OMG what kind of impact would that have on a (normal) kid if they found out? Daddy didn't want to admit to having me?

    Second I think if you haven't told your BF about this it's time to do so. You may need to secretly video tape the kid's behavior. This isn't for you, it's for the kid's well being because something is seriously off with him.

  4. Listen she’s telling you and showing you that this is normal for her and she will continue to do it. Now it’s up to you to figure is this is what you want and if this is something you want to deal with. You can’t force her to cut it off she needs to want to do that on her own. But know this will be your life, if you are okay with it then stay if not then leave. It’s been 2 years and she hasn’t and isn’t going to change.


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