Full stop and abort mission. I have dated a strong handful of women, and this was never the case ever. If it were, it would have been over the moment I caught on to her keeping bait lines out.
Avoid these women. They are terrible and will ruin your soul. I'm almost 33, and this is a big brother talk to you. Pack it in and get out, little bro.
Why are you with someone old enough to be your father? And since you were 19? That’s beyond disgusting of him.
If you have proof he’s your cat (adoption papers, photos of him etc) take this to the freaking police.
Why are you willing to do mental gymnastics..?
Full stop and abort mission. I have dated a strong handful of women, and this was never the case ever. If it were, it would have been over the moment I caught on to her keeping bait lines out.
Avoid these women. They are terrible and will ruin your soul. I'm almost 33, and this is a big brother talk to you. Pack it in and get out, little bro.
Something is wrong with your BF and your bestie. You don't seem close enough to go alone with both of them.