Alice-sweet online sex chats for YOU!

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4 thoughts on “Alice-sweet online sex chats for YOU!

  1. My sisters children have 4 passports, Dutch mother, Israeli/Romanian father, born in the US. Via their father they inherited the Romanian nationality even though their grandpa was Romanian born only.

  2. You know it has nothing to do with how attractive she is, right? And likely he doesn’t find her attractive since she’s no longer a child. Definitely not as attracted.

  3. You don’t accept the bullshit he’s giving you and give him the option of participating in a relationship where you both can talk to each other or start eating away at anything here.

    He sounds maybe a teensy distant. His response is what most of us guys would say though if we didn’t just go with fine and we’re allowed to do that.

    Recognize you are very unhappy not getting enough attention through communication, and you should be.

    You fix that by being direct about what you need.

    “I would say I’m starting to feel alone in our relationship and I need you to be a partner because It feels more like we’re starting to become casual acquaintances, and that’s not okay for me.

    Let’s find a way to spend an hour doing something together everyday so we can communicate easier and I can feel like a priority.

    I don’t think anyone can be happy sitting in quiet or being cool with participating alone and feeling like it’s my job, it’s not gonna work out and let’s give ourselves a shot here. Saying that is how I don’t build resentment and create issues that don’t exist later on.

    I also don’t need you to talk about work, but I expect you to tell me a funny story or the interesting parts. It’s not selfish to ask how what you did for 8-12 hours out of the day went, but it also doesn’t have to be that because I want to care about talking to you more than badger you about work to a point I don’t care anymore. We’ve just communicated to point I don’t have much else to talk with you about if we don’t start spending time together.

    If you don’t want that it’s okay, it gives me the clarity I need to make decisions for my own happiness. If you’re cool doing that awesome I look forward to seeing you more, I do think you’re great”

    Communication is just a non-negotiable like he needs to see participating in a relationship in general.

    The only thing that happens not asking is you wondering why he doesn’t more. Then beating around the bush with it more to a point of tension.

    If you are direct, you can find out if you can be happy and a partner will be a ton more likely to treat you like one and respect you like one.

  4. I think active listening and remembering something your partner mentions is thoughtful.

    Not everything has to be some organically crafted idea. I buy gifts for my husband based on things he says he wants/likes/needs or if I know based on what I know about him that he would really like it.

    Anytime anyone has purchased a gift for me that was “organic” or something they came up with on their own— it’s never been something I would’ve chosen for myself, though I’m still gracious. I’d like to be able to use or enjoy what I’m getting to show I’m grateful, so why not just give something they’ve told you they would enjoy?


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