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7 thoughts on “AliceLilFoxieB online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Whether it’s a mental health, person or spiritual issue youve already tried to help him. He’s chosen not to receive the help you offered but decided what he wants you must give which is unfair and more than you’d like. Ask yourself this simple parallel cliche as it is: If you were on a sinking ship w him and you could swim to shore but he refused? Would you stay on it because he would drown? Homelessness is not as bad as drowning and you are on a sinking ship.

  2. You're not witholding dinner. You're witholding you making them dinner and that's the difference. They can still eat if they put the work in.

    Either way though, it's petty af and not healthy.

  3. I would suggest taking a break and trying to live day to day with brother at his own home and seeing what his needs are that are being taken care of. You will then know what he needs to have done and discuss what needs doing.

    This change for your boyfriend is a huge life changing situation, so I can see why he has given you an out.

    But I don't think he has thought this through yet, finances, children, partners etc. Even thinking it is the normal way can change in time. You are also being asked to share your life with an extra man and possibly be his carer, strange that he never mentioned it before really.

    I would give him some time to experience what life is going to be like on his own with his brother and then you will know what your choices are.


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