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Room for on-line sex video chat alixfeeling

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Birth Date: 1990-02-19

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

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26 thoughts on “alixfeelinglive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Exactly. Boggles my mind that striking another adult is unequivocally deemed abuse, but hitting a child is just “doing what they thought was right”. No, it’s abuse. And we aren’t doing anyone any favors by sugarcoating. Especially now that we have ample evidence that proves how psychologically damaging it is. Always weirds me out how much people defend hitting children.

  2. I disagree. As someone who has been cheated on many times. If I had a choice between knowing and never ever finding out, I’d take the latter.

    But a choice between knowing now and finding out some way down the line? That’s way tougher.

  3. I understand the other commenters’ perspectives and do agree that you shouldn’t be controlling your brother. Your husband however has a right to not want the dog in his home if it makes him uncomfortable. If he ends up not feeling comfortable with the dog in his home or around his baby, I would support that. His boundaries are just as important as your brothers.

  4. I cut off my abusive father when I was 21. It destroyed me financially, and I had to ask for emergency aid from my college. But I’m so much better for it, and I’m so much happier for it, and I wasn’t financially destroyed for too long. If my boyfriend had tried to convince me not to cut off my dad just to receive money from him, I’d be so upset and confused.

    Your boyfriend is going to be an engineer. When he graduates, he will be making comfortable money. Most college students are poor and struggle and probably have to work. It’s a rough time.

    You really need to stop being the middle man between your boyfriend and his mom. His relationship with his mom is his business, I think that’s a boundary you have to draw.

  5. I'm with your roommates on this one.

    Like you said, they don't want random men over, not just your hookups. And sorry but you clearly show lack of judgement in your sexual choices.

    I dont care if a female sleeps with whomever whenever and how many times she wants, but generally speaking, the more you sleep with people you just meet, the higher your chances of bringing someone home who's not only a douchebag, but dangerous.

    The situation you gave for example, I'm sure your roommates coming in to check up on you certainly escalated everything, but aside from the quick surprise that the girl you're about to sleep with is living with 2 other men, a reasonable guy, even intoxicated, would quickly understand and not get worked up. Imagine how badly this would've gone if you lived alone, because a man getting upset a girls friends are checking up on her seriously has some loose screws.

    And starting off your post about how you're going through a rough patch, your priority shouldn't be “wow it's unfair how my roommates bring girls over why can't i?” Your priority should be getting your shit together.

    Thats like an alcoholic getting sent to the hospital for alcohol poisoning and the roommates banning alcohol from that point forward, only to get upset that he can't drink but everyone else can. Priorities all screwed up.

  6. Yeah, that fucking sucks. That really fucking sucks.

    There are people out there who would never do that – I wish there was some way to tell for sure who they were. Thank god you found out before the wedding, but that doesn’t mean it hurts any less. You just need time.

  7. First of all, not everyone hates it. My wife would probably be considered masculine and I (a guy) would most def be considered feminine and we’ve been together for over 20 years. If you’re not comfortable with you, that’s one thing. But if your partner isn’t comfortable with you, you need a new partner. We’ve both changed throughout the years, but it only seems I’ve become more feminine and she’s become more masculine as society has been more accepting of these roles. We love each other just the way we are.

    If he thinks you’re too masculine he means too masculine for him. Trust me, you’re fine just the way you are.

  8. That’s a fair compromise! Maybe you’ll be able to be more involved with your grandkids!

  9. Everyone is focusing on whether porn and smut is cheating, but that’s not the point! It’s that she’s NOT okay with it. So find someone who is…I totally agree with you.

  10. Go by yourself or with a friend. Accept that each of you have things you can and cannot do and decide if this is a dealbreaker or not. But trying to force him to do something he’s not comfortable with and continuing to push him about it is not ok.

  11. Agree, but the “it’s just a piece of paper” folks are often the same folks who don’t do all that and are surprised at the outcome. Paper of some kind is needed for access.

  12. Since you know Tom You could have that talk with him and see what details he can provide and ask why he decided to let you know.

    Why does he feel it’s right to tell you, but it was all okay to participate in the cheating?

    I think if you hear his version too it will help you be stronger in your own decisions about how to handle things.


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