Amaraconnor live! webcams for YOU!

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@mandybunny Join us, ♥ Kinky girls wants to have fun with you! today with [Goal Race]

10 thoughts on “Amaraconnor live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I immediately went looking up elevated disgust propensity before finishing your comment, and when I came back saw you mention it might be related to ADHD and was like “aah, yes.” I've never heard of this before, but it seems very relevant to me.

  2. to see if there are issues raised that you have not talked with her about yet that she wants to be made aware of to work through them and resolve them with you.

    I'd probably break up with someone for this. If I haven't spoken to you about something, it's because I'm.not ready. Someone finding my account, reading it and then bringing something up I'm not ready to talk about, sees me walking through the door.

    Also I would not read a partner's account if I found it.

    it's all public,

    Yes and no. Yes it's open to the world to see. But I'm specifically here to be anonymous and away from people I know. Where I can speak freely without having to censor myself or worry about people in my personal life. I would consider it an invasion of privacy. Especially as I would not read their posts or comments.

  3. Thank you for your comment, just need to clarify that my bf is worried that his friend who invited him to the concert would feel third wheeling and uncomfortable. His friend’s pronoun is they/them so it might be a bit confusing

  4. Yeah a lot of this stuff could be considered odd, OP may be a tad eccentric, possibly a hoarder and unfortunately I do not think the guys going to be coming back, ever.

    But, you know what I can’t get past? FOUR TO FIVE SUGARS, IN YOUR LIKELY ALREADY SWEETENED STARBUCKS COFFEE!? And you still never know when you might need more? 4-5!? I’m surprised you can still drink it at that point and it’s not in a solid mass.

  5. Nothing needs to “happen” for it not to be okay. Even just talking in a romantic/sexual manner to strangers isn't something most people in relationships are okay with, and you definitely have the right to feel that way. It's not that big of an ask either, dunno why your wife can't just understand that and respect your feelings. The excuse that she's a “people pleaser” is downright dumb and insulting too. You can be nice to people without flirting with them.

  6. Well I only went into detail about the bad things, not the good, he treats me very well and is super respectful, the rumors about him are from his ex wife who likes starting drama, they split a year ago and she made a post a month ago about him and this. I'm only going the roundabout way because he has my friends cats rn

  7. No, doesn’t check out. She has said repeatedly that they barely know each other. And she wouldn’t have blocked her for something that happened after she blocked her, that makes no sense lol

    as for the last part, the whole last post and part of this one are her trying to deal with the lying husband. He won’t explain what he’s doing even though it’s clear he’s doing something wrong. So if he won’t talk, maybe she would, because if he IS trying to cheat with her and she’s NOT into it, then she’d at least be cold to OP like “tell your husband to stop contacting me” or “I don’t want to get involved in this”. Something vague but definitively displeased towards the husband, if she didn’t want to outright state he was harassing her. Instead she hem haws with “i don’t remember” a million times… just like the cheating husband did.

    It’s not that the woman is worse than or as bad as the husband. He’s the worse one for sure. It’s that hes cheating and it’s obvious. These hoofbeats are just horses, not zebras.

  8. I know it really hurts and totally sucks that he broke up with you. Please consider yourself very lucky that he did… He didn’t want to be with you he wanted to be with a “virgin” and that is totally different. Did he tell you how many partners he has had?? Probably not because it’s ok for him to have multiple partners just not you. And yes he is obsessed because if he wasn’t you would still be together. I am sorry for the break up though.

  9. There is gotta be someone. Friend or Relative I've felt with a ex wife for 8 years narcissist n mental abuse I left.


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