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6KAna and Max, i love you)), 19 y.o.
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Ana and Max, i love you)), 19 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live! video press there
Welcome to the world of having a girlfriend, girls are notorious fir being “fashionably late”
Does she make effort to meet up with you or is it always you arranging the dates? I think that would be a sign of how interested she is by this point.
NAH if you instantly come to a divorce over something this minor you need a divorce. You both sound very immature.
I changed my mind: red velvet cake with chocolate fudge icing.
Identical hair, too.
Man, all your friends are twinsies!
Your boyfriend kinda seems like an ass. Can you explain the emotional significance to him? Sit him down and explain, “This is something that carries huge emotional significance for me, and would mean more than anything if you would do it for me. I'm worried that you're not willing to make an effort to fulfil my emotional needs. “
A bouquet of flowers doesn't seem like a big deal, but really, this is about something bigger than that. You've communicated something important to you, and your boyfriend has reacted badly. You've told him an easy way to make you happy, and he's not willing to do that.
I think you need to reevaluate this relationship. You got together as teenagers, and now you're growing up. Is this guy really the best partner for you as someone now in their 20s.
Part of the problem is that he views difference of opinions as disrespect. He thinks you are disrespecting him because you have a different opinion. That's really dehumanizing. He doesn't think your own personal beliefs are valid and in fact thinks you're rude for having them. I don't understand how you have lived with a man like this for so long.
These comments are fucking insane. This is straight up reproductive coercion. She’s his ex of two years. They aren’t even together. Demanding that an ex permanently sterilize themselves by leveraging the possibility of reunification is literally emotional blackmail.
And furthermore — he’s already said no. He didn’t ask “Should I get a vasectomy” — he asked what should he do now that she will not take no for an answer. It’s his body, his choice. There should not have been another conversation after he said no. But instead of getting actual advice, many people here are attempting to argue his reasoning for not wanting to get sterilized. It doesn’t matter why. He said no. They’re doing exactly what his ex is doing — completely ignoring his boundaries, disregarding his body autonomy, and attempting to justify why it’s okay to coerce an ex into permanent sterilization because the surgery “isn’t really that bad”.
It’s fucking foul. I expected better from people here.
But there is a risk. Why do you hate your family?