Anaiiss-01 online webcams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Anaiiss-01 online webcams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/anonymous_teenguy,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  2. People can forget things. Just because you are sentimental doesn’t mean he can’t forget it and suddenly realize it’s gone.

  3. I respect your decision and viewpoint but at this point there is nothing that would change except how the government will see you. At least confirm you are common law married. Might as well get the benefits of it.

  4. I know it may hurt him you saying that but that is something he needs to talk calmly. For some people, talking like that is inappropriate and they don't feel comfortable with it, they feel like it's like wanting to cheat, therefore they need to set boundaries around it.

    That being said, I think this is somewhat of a “last drop” for him because this doesn't seem like something one would break a 4-year-long relationship over, but only he knows.

  5. There’s no such thing as standing up to bully in a game lobby. You’re engaging a troll. Tf you think is going to happen when you’re husband jumps into defend you? “ Oh my, I’m so sorry. Forgive me for being so brash towards your belle.” Nah, that nerd is white knighting and now everyone is getting called slurs. The answer is to always ignore the troll.

  6. Really your best bet in this situation is to drop it and then try to do your own research/hide a camera/hire a PI/air tag or whatever you need to do to find out more. He could be doing what he says with them, maybe he made a Fleshlight or stuck something up his butt, or maybe he cheated. I don't think he's going to own up to it if it's different than what he said so by dropping it, you don't raise suspicion. He's probably not going to admit to anything other than what he said, even if it's not cheating. The more you bring it up, the more cautious he will be and you probably won't find anything.

  7. I mean yeah this person posting is objectively treating their partner super bad but the way it’s written is… off? like its a character trying to force the narrative you see on i*cel forums

  8. You're giving him an opportunity to explain it away and gaslight you. Send him screenshots with a break up then block him. And definitely get tested ASAP


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