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4 thoughts on “Anastasiababyhot on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. People have given you good advice and I’m going to offer an alternative perspective.

    Do you have mental health problems and do you have problems committing to things generally? It may be worth approaching this from that angle. Perfectionism can really ruin a relationship. If you have trauma, it can make committing to relationships more difficult, because it can breed a perfectionism expected in people. I like the Instagram account “yourdiagnonsense” for discussion about these sorts of things.

    If you suffer from any kind of OCD, look up ROCD.

    People say relationships should just be easy and that we always know what we want but it’s not always the case. If you don’t know what marriage and commitment looks like then you have every right to be concerned about “til death do us part” vows.

    I do agree that if you know she wants to marry you and you don’t think she’s right for you then maybe you’re wasting her time. People deserve a “fuck yes”.

    That being said, marriage is a big commitment and you want to be sure about it. It sounds though like you don’t know what would need to change other than just…who she is as a person, which isn’t fair on her.

    What are you expecting the right relationship to look like and why? Is it realistic?

  2. Hope this is a troll post because this is ridiculous. Why be committed to someone who treats you like a dildo? She just said she can’t be faithful unless she has her way. There’s no sympathy from her. My guess is that she’s sampling A LOT of sausages and you’ve be n none the wiser.

  3. You do realize there are other women out there, right? At 24, do you really see this as the relationship that will last until you die? Ready for 60 years or so of her cheating on you? Because that’s what she’s doing, when she talked you into being open and you didn’t want to, cheating. When she decided to change the rules the two of you laid down, cheated. When you asked them to go slow, they agreed, did it anyway, cheated.

    They will continue to keep pushing you out until the only thing you will be doing is paying their bills. You’re being used. Wake up, move out and go NC with her. This isn’t what you want or you wouldn’t be here or in therapy. At 24, you have your whole life in front of you. It’s up to YOU to make sure it’s a happy life, NOT HER. Take control of your life. Wipe the slate clean. Travel, read, workout, meet new friends. This should be one of the most exciting times of your life and instead, you’re letting a woman make you hurt and broken. Please leave. Now.


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