Angie the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Angie, 20 y.o.


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8 thoughts on “Angie the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. From what I can tell, there are only a few possible outcomes here.

    1: you accept that your needs in the relationship are incompatible with his circumstances, and you break up. 2: you keep pressuring him to abandon his sick mother, he begins to resent you for it, the relationship gets toxic, and you eventually break up. 3: you adjust your expectations and decide to stick it out for the long haul, meaning living separately and somewhat on his terms until circumstances change. A difficult thing to accept, but easy to back out of if at any point you decide you no longer want to wait for him. 4: you decide you still want to online together, and that means moving both him and his mother in with you – and either supporting both of them while he cares for her, or splitting caretaker duties with him so you can both work to support his mom.

    Personally I'd go with #1 and wouldn't even begin to consider #4. But they're all valid choices, except #2. He's given you his boundaries and you need to respect them.

  2. You seem to know very little about sexual coercion, reactions to it or how police respond. Most women will not go to police because they don’t believe us, less than 5% of complaints lead to a conviction and the process is traumatising against. Throw in some “consensual” bdsm and it’s never going to go anywhere unless there’s video evidence or something indisputable like that. Even then brok turner got 6 months.

  3. Well she thinks you like it because you said so. Pretty easy problem to solve. And yes, we are jealous as fuck.

  4. Time to ditch the asshole and level up with someone who wants to celebrate you and your accomplishments. I dated someone like this for several years, and he consistently tore me down to attempt to keep control over me. Let me tell you that this will only ever get worse and not better. Don't be like me and stay too long and let your self-esteem suffer. You deserve someone who is your teammate in life.


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