Annie online webcams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Annie online webcams for YOU!

  1. I think ITS FINE and he sounds very controlling. I would go to a pub and read books for hours and hang out for hours over one pint as a student .and after I had kids and was working as a nurse full time my therapist told me her ” secret ” to keeping her head together was to tell her family her work finished an hour later than it actually did so she could have a bit of space every day between work and home . I see no problem with that .Also you had a different take on what was ment by going out money …. I haven't gone ” out ” out in a few years and it definitely ment a couple of hundred quid between drink clubs and taxis .NOT 30 quid that could juat have easily been spent on a couple of lunches at work .How else is this guy trying to control you ? And I am sorry to hear things are tough right now x

  2. If this level of rage gets to this level, this is a problem. All you did was ask him to do his washing, which is fair. Take this as a sign of your future with him. Do you want this?

  3. You get to feel how you feel. Feelings aren’t right or wrong. But you two need couples therapy with a sex positive counselor ASAP or you’re going to both become so resentful. Sounds like your husband also needs to see a doctor and individual therapist and hell—maybe a dietician. Not feeling comfortable in your own body must really suck but his issue is something he could do something about rather than just use it as an excuse.

    I dunno, I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with no physical intimacy or mediocre to poor sex. Life is too short.

    Also, kind of unrelated to your problem, I don’t think you’re conceited for pointing out that you have a physical attribute people appreciate. For me it’s my unique colored eyes. Unless I’m wearing sunglasses, almost any time I meet someone they comment on my eyes and I appreciate that they are a nice feature of mine. We are so nude on ourselves about our bodies most of the time, gotta appreciate the “wins”!

  4. I just drafted a letter for my niece whose friend owed her $8k. I told her to sue the girl in small claims court and once the filing showed on the court docket I screenshot it and attached it to a nice email to her parents. I told them I was taking her to court and that I had proof of the agreements and if they were able to persuade her to pay I would be happy to withdraw the case because as I did not want to harm her career as a prospective law student.

    Was this deliberate? Of course, I am hoping the parents will pay as they have deeper pockets and my niece says they’ve been trying to reach her this evening but she was in class.

    I wouldn’t ask his father directly to pay because it isn’t his debt. Rather I would ask him to help me persuade his son to pay.

    Good luck

  5. I'm going to tell you something about the afterlife. I'm atheist, so I don't believe in 'Heaven' or 'Hell' per se. At least, not as different planes / dimensions than the one we are on. I believe we all make our own heaven, hell and purgatory right here on earth via our thoughts, beliefs and actions. But I do think that in passing out of this particular existence, everything becomes very clear to us. Everything. And I am confident that whatever wishes your mom may have had while she was alive, everything became crystal clear to her upon her passing and she would not want you to continue to have a relationship with your father out of some kind of misguided loyalty to her. She just wouldn't. Whatever illusions she had about him while she was alive would've also been made crystal clear to her upon her passing and she would understand your need to cut your dad out of your life.

  6. It's not going to go back to as it was because he has always liked you and was waiting for his chance when you had a boyfriend, he does not have friendly intentions and if you don't want to be his girlfriend just end the relationship


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