AnnieBeerry live sex chats for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “AnnieBeerry live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Never leave anyone behind on a hike, if you turn the corner and they aren’t there, wait a few then go look for them. You don’t drive off when part of the group is still out on the hike.

    You asked your BF to go on a hike with you. You then spend all the time talking to his friend, not him, and actually separate yourself from your BF.

    So yes you ditched him. Sure he was being an arse for some of the time, but your actions as a GF leave a lot to be desired as well, not to mention your actions as a hiking partner.

    So to answer your question at the end, yes leave him. He deserves someone better than you.

  2. I first pushed her off of me and she began approaching me like she wanted to fight and that’s when I restrained her by pushing her by the neck,.. I’m not sure if she bruises easy, she’s a lot smaller than I am

  3. Guys like this do not change. They get uglier, messier, nastier.

    Look up the cycle for intimate partner violence. He is psychologically abusive and using your victimization to control you. This shirt cannot be salvaged. And sometimes it's better to wear no shirt than stained with shit and infested with lice.

  4. Well played, you pulled the “personality” line but you changed up the wording so you didn't think I'd notice lol

  5. I understand, it’s upsetting and naked when you think you’ve tabled a conversation and then it comes back around before you want to get back into it. Exhausting.

    But it’s probably hard on your dad to not bring it up again too, especially if you’ve chosen to use his home and his wife as your son’s (free?) daycare center yet disallowed him from having meaningful interaction or a relationship with his grandson.

    A few more questions, more for you to ask yourself than to answer here: does your wife have tendencies towards controlling situations or other people? How is her relationship with people she disagrees with who do not change their views or actions to be in alignment with hers? If you find in your own research that your dad is unlikely to pose a significantly higher risk to your son than your mom, would your wife yield her position with gratitude that your son and your dad get to bond, or would she be resentful and reluctant ?

  6. Your response here was completely correct but unfortunately it’s probably falling on deaf ears with this idiot and others in this thread. Let’s keep pushing for acceptance and respect ✊

  7. Oh I agree with you however the context here in OP's post doesn't fit these scenarios.

    It's a fairly new relationship without any defined boundaries, she is going away with two guys whilst not wanting to label what she and OP has relationship wise, she had planned it after they had begun actively dating and then told him about just as it was about to happen.

    Given this, would you be happy if your partner suddenly dropped it on you that he was going away with two girls he knows in this context? Would he be happy if you did the same to him at the start of your dating life with him?

    I do get what you are saying however you are saying this coming from a position of being in a LT relationship where the trust and honesty has been earned and is “there” as an implicit thing.

    That's not the case in OP's position in a new relationship and I guess it's one of those “this is how trust is earned” moments for him. He either trusts his gut, his head or his heart. One of them is going to be right.

  8. The complaining about his wife should’ve been enough of a red flag. Good people never do this unless somw massive problems occur .You chose that person so deal with them or leave.

    And the kiss?Oh boy I would’ve kicked him out and he’d be forbidden from ever entering my house again

  9. You don't have an emotional attachment with your friends that interferes with your marriage. This woman does not respect your marriage.

    Your husband needs to set boundaries with this woman. He was interested in her before. She turned him down. He met you & you were a safe bet.

    He's got the best of both worlds.

  10. You have some good advice here already, but I have one thing to add.

    You should put this nervous energy into doing things for her. Bring her flowers, cook her favorite dinner, clean her favorite spot to sit, etc. instead of asking for sex more, do romantic date nights or special things at home. You likely wont have to ask if she feels appreciated and loved. Literally nothing will keep her around better than this. Just dont go creepy overboard doing over the top things constantly, maybe twice a month for the romantic gestures. Cleaning and cooking are great all the time lol

    This is coming from a woman, by the way. I love knowing my husband thinks about me even when Im not there. Picking up and getting gifts just lets me know Im on his mind.

  11. Do you think there is a Stockholm Syndrome type of thing happening here OP? That would make things more difficult for sure


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