Anniek on-line webcams for YOU!

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6 thoughts on “Anniek on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I've definitely been guilty of instagram scrolling during conversations with the past for the same reason, and I also know that it usually took some of my attention away from the person I was talking to. I'd suggest maybe having a conversation where you ask him to find a different thing to fiddle with to help him stay engaged. I've found that most fidget toys work for me, but I've also made do with scrunchies, rubber bands, and paper clips when I haven't had anything else, so I'm sure there's something he can find to replace instagram.

  2. I went back and read your first post for context.

    No, don't go into town tomorrow. At least, not with your boyfriend. I would second what u/bi-fly has said, which is to refuse to pay for anything further until he pays you back for the other things he owes you. And then once he does, I'd strongly recommend that you break up with him. If you're not ready to break up, then I'd suggest that you seriously rethink your plans to move in together. If you do that, then you'll just continue to get entangled in their financial mess and it might even affect your own credit score.

    My younger brother has a similar thing going on with our mum but not to this extent. She simply has access to his account online and takes out an agreed upon amount as his “rent” because he lives in a property she owns. But she absolutely doesn't touch anything else and she never has possession of his bank card. She definitely doesn't have bills charged to his account.

    It honestly sounds like neither your boyfriend nor his mum are all that great with finances, and that is a big red flag for me personally. It might be time to think about what you really want from your future with your boyfriend and whether he's capable of stepping up to meet your expectations.

  3. These were photos of girls that looked around the age of maybe 8-13. Some were very inappropriate

    That part sounds potentially criminal to me. I'd report it either way.


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