ANTONELLA-TAYLOR online sex chats for YOU!

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32 thoughts on “ANTONELLA-TAYLOR online sex chats for YOU!

  1. They do have vitamins targeted specifically for hair, skin, and nails. You might want to do some comparison shopping.

  2. Given that you only requested to follow her yesterday and she hasn’t accepted yet so you’re already confused, I’m actually more worried about what you’re showing here than her in terms of insecurities.

    She might do very specific things on Instagram regularly, but she might not check her follow requests regularly.

  3. I wouldn't be comfortable with it and I don't think it's appropriate.

    I personally wouldn't want to be in a relationship with a guy who thought that was normal.

  4. Figures. So many bored redditors that manage to be more bored than me doomscrolling on this website. Lmao

  5. Lol. Right. He is awful to live! with. But she should stay with him forever. What is wrong with idiots who don’t try to find compatibility and just think of you were together yesterday you should be together tomorrow

  6. I can see that! I guess i'm surprised someone would have specific expectations for the first time being intimate with someone, but I see what you're saying.

  7. To be perfectly blunt you're either going to have to suck it up and go at her pace or break up with this girl. You can talk about it but one or two things will happen. She can hear you out but stand firm and insist on not being ready and now you're back to where you started anyway, or regardless of how you phrase things. You'll basically be letting her know that ideally you'd like her to move things along sooner rather than later and thus putting pressure on her.

    You definitely don't want to put her in a position where she feels like she HAS to do something in order to keep you around, but it's likely inevitable that she'll feel that way. I think that would fuck with your head too cuz, you'd probably wonder if she was doing it because she wanted to or if she was doing it to make you happy. You're kind of in a lose-lose tbh

  8. First, I’m sorry you had to experience birth trauma it sucks! I hope you’re both ok!

    I think with a doctor in an emergency he would be ok. He feels like there was more of a choice in this situation and that I should have tried harder to see a woman

  9. That’s what I was about to comment. Do you really stay with, and maybe marry a person who you constantly have to worry will go back to her ex?

    Do you REALLY want a relationship which‘s survival is directly linked to another guy’s relationship status?

  10. No wonder your self worth is in the shitter. He's actively trying to keep it there. Girl you need to get out.

  11. There’s definitely more to this story. If you both don’t have time for the relationship, maybe you need to talk about whether you still want to be together. This is very dramatic on both sides for going for a simple dinner

  12. It seems like they are looking for more than a 1-off so you need to find out whether they are looking for you to be a regular FWB or whether they are thinking throuple.

    You should, I think, try it once. You'll get a far clearer picture of the dynamic and whether this is something you'd do again and at that point you can say 'not again, thanks' or 'yeah, that was fun'. There's always the chance that it'll implode their relationship and you're 1 and done anyway.

    It's funny, you're living someone's dream but don't really want it.

  13. No, not every day, I meant to say *we have taken her on 8 mile hikes. We do a long hike maybe once every other weekend, but normally walk her around 2 miles on an average day.

  14. Thank you. Maybe this will help. I’ve tried to get him to crate train her but he doesn’t like the idea of “locking her up”. I will definitely try and pitch it to him this way.

  15. Don't share your location with people, get a restraining order, and cut her out of your life. She put you and your children in danger for no apparent reason.

  16. He says he watched it a couple times a week and then would take month breaks bc he felt bad.

    We had a no porn agreement back when we were like 18 after I found out he was watching it and it made me very upset. He said he would quit but never really revisited the topic until recently. I straight up asked him after telling me I have watched it and he said no and went on and on about how gross it is. I hate him for lying to me.

  17. So, he was ok with you working a 24 hour shift then driving exhausted to his place to pick up his lazy butt? What did I read???

    So he's ok with thhe potential of you falling asleep at the wheel. Hun, I'm sorry to say this but he does not love you. Turn around and block him. NO APOLOGIES!

  18. Judging from what you’ve written down, it sounds like you have a lot of unresolved issues you need to work on before you start dating. Him not responding for a couple hours is completely normal and not indicative of any kind of abandonment.

    However, you trying to guilt trip him into speaking to you because he didn’t respond quickly enough is not okay. Not because it might bother him or whatever, but because it puts you in a vulnerable position where someone might take advantage of your insecurities to abuse you. This kind of behavior only attracts bad company.

    Please, go seek therapy and stay away from dating for a while until you learn how to love yourself. You don’t just owe it to your future partners, but you owe it to yourself to find happiness.

    Good luck.

  19. Man this actually breaks my heart. As somebody who is told by people that I sounded extremely distraught, in pain or angry / upset in my sleep when I was addicted to GHB (would do coke and G dialy and what I just mentioned was the result) and didn't remember a single thing (nor any dreams during that time), I hope he find the help he deserves.

    It sucks cause you're are rightfully afraid to go to sleep next to him and he probably has no control over his actions which he's asleep.

    Best of luck to you both!

  20. Just drop them. Any guy who can’t get over your past isn’t worth dating. You had a life before you met him you know? Does he think you’re supposed to just be sitting around waiting for him?

  21. The frequent travelling and visits are my choice but I'm starting to realise it's not sustainable to keep doing it so often like you say.

    We have talked about this and she agrees. I should be saving up to move closer to her or vice versa as she is planning to move to a new city for a while now.

    She has her own home – the reason may seem a bit strange as to why i haven't been there yet but it's because she's had bad experiences in the past when letting people in her home. It's her only safe place and I can understand why she needs more time before letting me in.

  22. If she asked you this, it’s because she’s already fucked someone else and feels guilty as fuck.


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