AriaFliirt online sex cams for YOU!

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3 thoughts on “AriaFliirt online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Something to remember is “reliable sources” are often very wrong. Sometimes intentionally and sometimes not. Second hand (or third hand) info should usually be taken with a grain of salt.

  2. When depressed or emotionally drained porn is often 'easier' than sex and it could be that a degree of this is him compensating for his complicated feelings about the pregnancy or just a more general depression period by using porn as a crutch… even when having sex.

    It seems to me that's the conversation to have, about his feelings. I think libido could be a symptom of it especially as you know in the past that wasn't a problem [ie the argument he is making about the importance of porn to cum is not true].

  3. He just told you who he is, and back peddled because he saw your reaction.

    He view on relationship is as long as she don't know it won't hurt her.

    He doesn't sound trust worthy at all, and I'd be cutting my losses before he gives you and sti


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