Ariana. online sex chats for YOU!

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3 thoughts on “Ariana. online sex chats for YOU!

  1. He probably likes you very much, but he's a lot older than you, so he decided not to pursue the relationship any further. Respect his wish, maybe some day you guys will meet up again when you're older.

  2. In a very weird turn of events I happen to have JUST been thinking about this topic before I opened reddit to see this!

    To my mind, the issue isn't there being an age gap, it's there being a life stage difference. (obviously there are some age gaps where its impossible NOT to have a significant life gap, I feel your 20s are one of the grayest areas for that as people reach settled adulthood at such different rates).

    To be honest, as the older person you're the only one who can really tell if there is a significant “life gap” as it were, as younger people (myself included!) always feel they're more mature than they are. I'm 25 and went on a couple of dates with a 21 year old last year. I ended up breaking it off because, although on paper we were at the same life stage (in fact he was in his 1st year of a PhD and I was still finishing my masters, so technically he was ahead of me), it became obvious he was actually a developmental stage behind me, and we had considerably different priorities and outlooks on life. He very firmly felt we were both in the same life/development stage, even though to me it was very obvious we weren't

    If you do decide to continue seeing her, I would encourage you to do move very slowly and proceed with caution. If you ever start to feel annoyed with her for “being immature” consider whether she's just acting her age. Be aware of the influence you may (even inadvertently) have over her development or life decisions. Keep in mind that being on top of your finances and having a job with responsibility aren't the things that truly make you an Adult adult, so even though she has those she may still be an emerging adult


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