Ashley-johnson1 on-line webcams for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “Ashley-johnson1 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Tbh you have a lot of excuses why your terrible behavior is excusable.

    Put the relationship on ice. Get a paternity test. regardless if the baby is yours or not, you two should not be dating each other or anything until you deal with your issues.

    Stop making excuses. You might be having a kid. Grow the hell up and take responsibility for your behavior and your relationship.

  2. It can be difficult to get and maintain an erectiin while doing cocaine…he’s probably using which is why the initiating has become so infrequent

  3. This is what I needed to hear, thank you so much for your honesty. You’re right I should’ve been honest and upfront.

  4. Hmm last I checked spitting on somebody is assault, where are her charges?

    You should not have threatened to hit her, but you're both in the wrong and you're the only one with legal repercussions which is not right.

    If she hadn't have spit on you I would say you just need to tend to your wounds, this is the consequences of your actions…but she allowed you and solely you to take responsibility for what she started with no responsibility/accountability taken herself, escaped her own legal repercussions, and further added to yours

    Ya, I'd divorce her. But that's up to you.

  5. Here is how your story read to me: You met this guy while gaming and liked him. You found out that his long term relationship was also long distance and started to make comments about how you thought their relationship wasn't viable. I honestly don't believe you weren't into him. Maybe you weren't being honest with yourself – but it truly comes across like you worked this and got what you wanted. You maneuvered this guy into breaking up with his girlfriend and she sent what reads like a closure message forgiving him for breaking her heart. He was having an emotional affair with you so he cheated on her to be with you. Your insecurity and jealousy now is kind of the karma cherry on the sundae. Since you violated his privacy to read the letter, you should show him this post to make things even.


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