Aysel ink online sex cams for YOU!

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Let’s know each other, I am new

8 thoughts on “Aysel ink online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I'm not even sure why the period conversation prompted the reveal. It seems like OP left the conversation where it was and didn't ask further about it, but her sister brought it up later. If someone told me they don't get a period, I'd assume birth control or a medical reason. I don't need to know it's because they're trans. I wonder if the girlfriend asked for it to be revealed? In that case, this wasn't the right time or place. Questionable decisions all around.

  2. I don’t know if I really love her or if I just do this cause she loves me.

    I'm so sorry to say this… does she really love you, though? Based on what you shared, it sounds like she's been quite judgmental and trying to change you from the start. Love should be accepting a person for who they are, not trying to change them into what one wants them to be.

  3. Staying with someone out of obligation or pity is so unfair to them. You both deserve more. I get it’s scary to be honest but you are offering something pretty wonderful. Setting her free to find someone who really loves her romantically while still helping out financially. For a while. It can’t be forever or without an end date. I really doubt if a future partner would be okay with that.

  4. Stay far, FAR away from him. He is not stable and any type of relationship with him would not be healthy for you.

  5. Well, a shirtless photo isnt very innocent, is it? Hmmmm.

    If he's “reserved” and doesnt share much of anything that could also indicate that he's more “private” than other people and guards his phone more closely for no reason other than he is more “reserved”.

    It is still very difficult to draw any conclusions. Its probalby more important to be aware of how he treats you, how he uses his phone – are there any signs he is texting someone more or quickly screenlocking it, and just generally how the relationship is going.

  6. Stop having intercourse with her and talk to a lawyer. You deserve a partner. Life is so much better when you have a partner to count on and you deserve to know someone wants to make life easier for you and wants you to be happy and well.

  7. Pretend to give him one more chance until you get his phone unlocked and free around you. Take phone, delete every photo of yourself in deshabille from it and the cloud, factory reset it, block him everywhere, and never speak to him again.


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