Barbara-Si1ver online webcams for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “Barbara-Si1ver online webcams for YOU!

  1. I know for a fact I think of her more than him. I am aware the problem is mine hahaha

    Sometimes I do doubt if I am ready, but you know we both have our issues but we are both in therapy and willing to work them out and we are better every day. I think nobody is born knowing how to be in a 100% healthy relationship but it matters that we're working towards it.

    I know I made a mistake and I am trying to make it right. I already apologized and I'm wondering if I should ask him to give the show a second chance

  2. Cool with cheaters? That's a ridiculous assumption from what I told Op.

    Listen, op is here on Reddit making him out to be hard done by and a martyr for choosing to his wife over her.

    I pointed out that's not the case. He's good, he weighed up what was on offer from each choice and chose the best choice for himself. He's happy. He's got wifey happy he's back, but worried she won't be able to keep him satisfied and op treating him like a martyr for ditching her and the life he and she could have had.

    What he's doing isn't selfless, it's selfish.

    Sometimes people will refuse to see reality unless you challenge their personal stance. It's when you 'offend' sensibilities, you can sometimes cause the crack that floods their brain with light, and seeing things more clearly helps them to stop being used.

  3. It’s petty and immature. Punishing someone is stupid and you should just sit down and talk about your problems

  4. That's a naked one. Fetishes don't really go away. I wish I didn't have the fetishes I have. They can evolve into other things but yeah. It doesn't sound like the two of you are sexually compatible. If you want to stay married I'd highly suggest couples therapy with a therapist who specializes in sex & fetishes.

  5. Tell her. There's a chance she gets offended that you even thought she'd care about it but I'd bet there's a higher chance she'll be able to appreciate that you were telling her out of respect and care for her feelings. You can't know how she'd react to the information but at least by telling her you allow her to avoid having to have her first reaction to that information around so many other people. She sounds like a strong woman so I'm sure she'd ultimately be fine either way. A little kindness and consideration might make things smoother here.

  6. ah and i liked shots and parties at 18 a looot. and didn't end up an alcoholic, just for the record. if you really want to make her stop or at least give it a fair chance at trying to, approach her from a place of curiosity, kindness empathy and don't have these kind of talks when she's drunk.


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