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5 thoughts on “Bbygirlzoe online webcams for YOU!

  1. You’re expecting too much after only 3 months of dating.

    It’s very likely you’re right that she’s not fully comfortable telling you every single thing about her medical history yet. Many, many people would not want to disclose everything in such a short time. Think about it – I bet there’s things about your own life you haven’t shared yet?

    As for depression… if she says she’s not in the acute phase anymore, then I believe her. But it can still affect you in small ways for a long time – plus, you’re more vulnerable to getting depressed again if something happens, since you’ve had it before.

    For example (I know this doesn’t apply to you) women who have had clinical depression at any point in their life are far more vulnerable to developing postpartum depression after giving birth.

    But the crux is that it’s a medical condition. A literal chemical imbalance in the brain, which means it’s not just being sad if something sad happens today, like a fight with a loved one. It’s more than that.

    Being around people when you’re drained of energy is literally too hard. Even talking on the phone is too hot. You just need mental and emotional space – from all people.

    But you’re concerned, which is understandable. So one thing you could do is wait her out for now. Give her space. When she is ready to see you again, you ask her how she’s doing and listen to what she has to say – whether it takes 2 minutes or 20, just listen.

    Then you can tell her that you care about her and you were worried not hearing from her for x days. Tell her you know that she really needs space sometimes, and you want to give her that (because you care), but just so you don’t worry next time, maybe she could send you a text that she’s feeling down and going off the grid for a few days. And you will respect that space and you won’t worry so much, because you will KNOW.

    A bit like when your parents want to know where you’re going and who with as a teen – not necessarily to stalk you or stop you, but just for peace of mind so they don’t worry. NOT knowing is the hardest thing, isn’t it.

    You’re still in the early stages of a relationship, so it’s still ahead of you (both) to work these things out, to be able to accomodate each other’s needs.

    Good luck.

  2. What type of beer? A 4th standard beer at 5% alcohol in 4 hours means he has fully metabolized the alcohol from each drink and is likely barely buzzed

  3. You need to find out about how she found the videos, if you say they can’t be found unless specifically looking for them. Any ideas who told her?

  4. There are two reasons men often get less time with their kids in divorce/custody cases. First, courts favor preserving the child’s status quo, meaning that the parent who does most of the parenting generally continues in that role. In most families, that’s the mother, but that’s the choice of each family. Second, fathers are less likely to seek parenting time and custody in general. When fathers seek equal custody, courts tend to give them equal custody.

    Spreading the myth that courts have a widespread bias against fathers causes fathers to give up instead of fight. You’re making the problem worse.

  5. I'm a woman with a grown kiddo…..I'm not downplaying anyone's emotions here but what about a compromise? What if you had family come stay with you while he goes….that way somebody would be there if something happened?

    An baby coming into the world is a big deal to BOTH new expecting parents….maybe hubby just wants to have a little getaway before all the responsibilities start setting in…….I truly do understand both sides here and I'm of the mind that compromises should be a go-to solution when there aren't any others……my comment is intended to make you ask yourself if your way is the ONLY way here or is there a way to find a different solution?!

    Anyway, I wish you a very healthy and happy delivery….I hope everything works out great for you!!


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