Bella-bon live sex chats for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “Bella-bon live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Thanks for this. He (the guy I rejected) is very sensitive and isn’t afraid to show it. Like one of those guys who thinks eye contact means you’re in love with him so I try not to do that anymore lol. I can tell his mood changes when I’m blatantly ignoring him. I just try to remind myself that I’m not responsible for babysitting a grown man’s feelings and I can’t help that I like someone else

  2. Her saying “I just didn't think about it” is a cop out. She absolutely thought about it, for about 2 seconds before flat-out deciding that your child with your ex is less important than her kid and your toddler you have together.

    I assure you she is extremely aware of what kind of Rift this will inevitably cause, and has decided to either risk that Rift, or utilize this opportunity to make it known that your kid is a lesser member of the family than hers and your toddler together.

    Now, I say this with the knowledge that yes, she is well within her right to do with her ingeritance as she sees fit. However she is not immune to the consequences of this new family pecking order she has decided to implement using this money.

    The fact she's so flippant about it is a pretty big show of disrespect for your kid, and if anything, at least now you know how she truly feels about your teenager.

    Don't expect your marriage, much less your teenager's relationship with her step-mother, to ever be the same after this.

  3. Why should it be an issue for him at all? I'm assuming he knew you were gay before this so why is it an issue now? I mean you were his best man but he can't even be yours because you want to marry a man??? It's not like you are making him watch you guys do it, and just saying I myself know plenty of Christians who aren't asshats like that. The Bible never directly says you have to hate gay people, never even says you can't support them…. He's just using his religion as a way to belittle you which no genuinely good person would do. Drop his ass you don't need a pig like that in your life

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  5. You pretty much got the whole story, I don’t hunk she has a reason to lie about matching on hinge. It honestly doesn’t matter who added who first. They both agreed that they never talked afterwards. At this point you can confront him on lying about the hinge part, but we all know why. I’d still ask him about it regardless. Also, stop stalking who your partner adds on social media that’s crazy and creepy.

  6. Your mom has it right, with the caveat that if he threatens suicide, you should report him. A few 5150s under his belt, and he'll lose interest in manipulating you.

  7. Well this is a doozy.

    The friend is crossing a line. She’s disrespecting your gf and your relationship by asking to hook up. It’s okay to have girl friends. It’s not okay to have girl friends who want to be girlfriends.

    If you love your girlfriend and do want to marry her (because you want to spend your life with her and not just to get into her pants), you need to cut off the girl friend. It’s good you’re respecting your girlfriend’s wishes by waiting until marriage, and if this is something you can tolerate until marriage happens, you’ve got to find another outlet that isn’t getting too close to another woman. Talk to your girlfriend about what sexual acts, if any, she’s comfortable with before marriage. Masturbate. Journal. Join a gym.

    If you can’t wait, you should do the right thing and break up with her. Simple as that. Putting yourself in situations with the girl friend knowing you’ll be tempted while stringing your girlfriend along is a worse offense than premarital sex.

    Lastly, this is your religious belief so you do you. But for what it’s worth, God is not going to smite you for premarital sex. Sex is an important aspect to a relationship, and in this day and age it’s important and acceptable to find out if you’re sexually comparable before marriage. If you’re waiting until marriage because in your heart you believe it’s wrong, that’s okay. Follow your morals. But if you’re only waiting because you feel like you “should,” that’s not fair to yourself. Don’t pressure your girlfriend to have sex if she doesn’t want to. But don’t hold yourself to her standards if you don’t agree or care. Find someone on the same wavelength so you’re not at odds in the relationship.

  8. You're an addict in recovery yourself and while this gives you insight it also makes you vulnerable. I'm not saying necessarily vulnerable to using again but definitely vulnerable to the effects of the co-dependent relationships addicts have with the people around them. You're right about your wife's son and right about their relationship but you can't control that. I'm so sorry you're going through this but I honestly think that, for now at least, you need to get away, for your own sake but also for them. If your presence and your support for them enables his addiction and her denial then you have the insight to know that's not good. Aw fella, I am sorry.


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