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7 thoughts on “BellaWorldconcerto live webcams for YOU!

  1. I think regardless these people should break up. Seems super unhealthy, even if they didn't get to the point of physically assaulting one another. Tbh we don't know for a fact they didn't.

  2. I don’t know how you’re defining demisexual, but my understanding is that it means you don’t feel attraction until there’s a close bond, not that you’re incapable of forming new bonds once you’ve imprinted on your first love. You’re not a penguin.

  3. Saving 100 pictures of naked girls in your camera roll instead of watching porn like a normal person is what's creepy. Jfc stop trying to nornalize it, she's allowed to be upset over this.

  4. You're gonna love it when you're back on your job recruiters doorstep after you get fired for being a self absorbed argumentative twat.

    You can repost your stupid complaint all you want. You will never get the answer you're looking for, because you are the one in the wrong complaining over literally nothing.

    I'd wish bad things for you as well, but I think you already bring them on yourself. So enjoy being miserable and somehow always the smartest person in the room. Sounds fabulous.

  5. For what it’s worth I appreciate your polite perspective here and the frustration with the “always hope of surviving” message. Which can go way beyond just trying to stay generally positive and enjoy the life that is left.

    Some people discover advanced cancer that has spread to almost every part of their body and was discovered because the tumors were physically disrupting the organs, they’re having seizures, etc.

    Telling them there’s hope of beating it can be a lot like telling someone who just got crushed by an excavator track and their body is obliterated below the belly button but is somehow still conscious for awhile that they’re going to live.

    Little different there to be fair, but at some point you’re just being rude and dismissive to someone’s intelligence.

    If someone is horrifically depressed at catching skin or prostate cancer very early on and just about suicidal… yeah there’s absolutely a lot of hope.

    For others…. That hope is that the remainder of life can be spent well. The desire to spread positivity shouldn’t just be a battering ram to the reality of the situation. Not pessimistic reality. Actual reality.

  6. They are abusive and he is okay with being abused. I tried to get him out of it but he just wouldn’t budge.

    But don’t you think it’s wrong that I’m sleeping with him after his engagement? He talks to that girl and they are trying to get comfortable with eachother. Wouldn’t I be ruining her life?

  7. If you're willing to take his opinion into account, you should tell him, otherwise it's best not to. In any case, good luck.


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