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  1. u/Throwawayfelingst2, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Ask her if being her husband means you are not family? What's the point of being married to anyone if they don't at least prioritize you? Seriously that's really cruel. All she is telling you is that you don't matter to her. Her little speech during the Uber ride back means nothing as she obviously feels indifferent about it. If my wife did that to me I would lay out the reality of the situation and ask her point blank if I even matter to her and if she can't find the words or she goes with her family first then I would leave and divorce her. The fact that she doesn't consider you apart of that “family” is horrific and insulting.

  3. Of course not. I stayed with because each time he actually showed progress and to me it's evident she's much more msture than when we started dating. Then she has this moments (I started calling her [her name] moments, to mess with her). It's not only about this, like every now and then she comes out with some obvious bullshit she read live! and I have to sit her down and explain to her why it's bullshit. Then we move on and have a laugh about.

    I don't really know what's her deal. I always tell her as a joke thst one day she'll be brainwashed and join some creepy religious cult for sure, but that's a bit of truth behind the joke.

    So that's why I'm thinking about it, I see the goid faith and progress she made, and I love her, but I realise that each time this happens I lose a bit of hope on her. I don't know if she can change with me, or needs to learn trough the break up.

  4. Yes it’s very much a respect thing to me. The same way I wouldn’t fool around in a friends shower without explicit approval to do it. I personally consider it to be disrespectful to do in someone else’s private space in any way.


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