Blackchiina live! sex cams for YOU!

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13 thoughts on “Blackchiina live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Hmmm, yeah, probably not the best way to have asked her, imo. Some people don't even check their Insta messages at all, and now you're stuck waiting and wondering. Also, did you just follow her out of the blue or did she tell you her Insta and then you followed her?

  2. Give her another chance, but if she weaponizes breaking up in the future instead of talking and communicating then get out of there

  3. I think you really just want to have sex with someone who doesn’t have an STI. It seems wild to me that you would care this much about someone else’s virginity if you love/like them, right?

  4. I mean he could have gotten a straight up paternity test years ago. They're fairly cheap and all he needs is hair from your son. Doing a 23 and me thing for the whole family to get a fairly vague and inaccurate result on paternity seems like a huge waste. It's probably just a gift.

  5. Yup. IMO, your best bet right now is to pack your bags, book a flight to your home state and chalk that relationship up to experience. Good luck, you sound like a well-rounded person so my guess is you’ll be fine.

  6. The only angry person in this thread is you, hence the !!?!?? and cussing lol

    This sub is called “relationship advice.” I asked for advice. Not only did you provide no advice or add anything useful to the conversation, you decided to be condescending, so you received a negative comment. Get over it.

  7. Yes – well – just from my own line – I said no to having dogs and ended up having my MIL pushing two Chihuahuas into my home! One is still here after 15 years – and the discussion is what is the next dog. Long time ago I have accepted that dogs are a human right! Or at least my wife says that! ?

  8. Update me on the break up response. Crazy she is throwing away this whole relationship but hey I guess it’s better now than later. I know the pain will suck my friend but it will get better with time

  9. Hello,

    To address the issue of seeming like a user, I hear you. I know I have been lucky to have support while I have been floundering. Hopefully these points will clarify:

    First – I've often brought up the idea of moving out before the full time work became a factor. But, he doesn't see how the relationship could work if I were to do this. He has insisted that although the timeline is less than ideal, he wants me to stay.

    Second – I had the option to online with my parents, who actually live! close to our current house. We have a very good relationship and I'd have lived rent free as long as I was employed.

    I do hope he and I can have this conversation. I've already started spreadsheets organizing where I spend my finances each month and calculating averages that illustrate my contribution, and hope to update this again. I think it becomes a question of a) what proportion of our shared finances seem fair for me to take on (and do I have the funds to take care of this proportion?) – should it be 50/50, or is he okay being more of the breadwinner while I help out in other ways? and b) how do we factor expenses toward a house investment in the equation – do we just leave those out of the shared expenses entirely?

    As for sharing the property ownership, is a good question about whether we could be equals. I think he's seeing his mom as an example, and his mom is not sharing the title with her new partner either. I am not particularly happy with this but I will confirm with him.

    Thanks very much for your input!

  10. Still, wgat di you want of life and your relationship. What are your priorities. If her priorities were clearly different from yours you should have also called it quits. Keep in mind it dies nit matter what she says, only what she does.

  11. For what it's worth:

    If she already is going for “dent deny deny,” You are just going to leave that conversation more mad than you went in. There are 10000 posts here that you can read exactly like yours, and none of them go well.

    I think it would serve you better to cut your losses and bury your need to have her understand you, especially when you have openly confirmed he is committed to not taking accountability or hearing what you are saying.

  12. That's not good or “normal.” He's jealous and controlling. Once you move in, it will probably get worse.

  13. I think you really need to work on accepting yourself. You are so ashamed about your fetish that you’re rejecting yourself. Or do you like the shame part of sneaking porn?

    Honestly when it comes to sex, this isn’t that gross. People eat a$$ now. There are even books about it. You like farts. Seems way way tamer to me.

    If your girlfriend farts in front of you and you get a rise, you can tell her she’s so nude even her farts turn you on.

    You say she’s nonjudgmental. She may not want to share your kink, but she could help you accept yourself. That’s also a possibility.

    But you really need to find a way to accept this about yourself.


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