BonnieMayer live webcams for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “BonnieMayer live webcams for YOU!

  1. Question – is he throwing all this extra money at the debt?

    Because you are the one that said you wanted him to not pay you and instead pay the debt.

    Is he showing you the statements?

    Maybe he is taking advantage of you. But in the future don't offer to cover things you don't actually want to cover.

  2. Or is just for performative purposes, but really don't like to take the brunt of raising full time their child, but want all the perks of fatherhood without the sacrifices.

  3. You don’t have to sleep around to catch something. All it takes is one previous partner to pass something along asymptomatically and BAM HIV+. Unless you both get STI tested before becoming fluid bonded, you have no idea. And even then, STI tests can miss things like herpes, and there’s no widely available test for HPV in men.

  4. Well… Straight answer, it's not about the gift. He doesn't seem to care very much about you. It seems like you are an accessory.

  5. he’s gonna give you an STD or he’s gonna get someone pregnant and leave. this man doesn’t respect or love you.

  6. OK that makes total sense. Which is probably why you’re here asking the questions OK I’m sorry. Yeah I wouldn’t date him. When you have to be with somebody want them to have the same values and clearly he doesn’t doesn’t

  7. Spoken like someone who's never had rough sex.

    Honestly there's a huge difference between violent choking and choking while having sex.

    Obviously there is some dissonance between what OP was experiencing compared to the BF, but it was sexual for him.

    Stop being an armchair psychologist and quoting facts from BuzzFeed.

  8. I had a coworker who was poly and she would talk endlessly about how it was superior way of life and she was so much happier than her monogamous friends. She was also obnoxiously anti-children. Not child-free, which I understand, but outright hated children and constantly talked about how much she hated them. She’d mock parents and even give kids dirty looks if they came into our office for any reason.

    Then she got shit faced at a company event and revealed that she hadn’t had sex in over a decade and hated kids because “no one ever wanted to put one in me.” She said every one of her family members had gone no contact with her and her only friends were on-line. It was so awkward. Then Monday she went right back to her comments about poly life being great and kids being terrible. I don’t know if she didn’t remember what she’d said or she just felt the need to keep up her image.

    So when I see people demanding their lifestyle be accepted as superior, regardless of what lifestyle they are promoting, I assume they are hardcore projecting and miserable inside.

  9. I only meant he wasn't even interested in trying ans again u are right alot of ppl don't like going long distance. I did with my husband while i was a student for 2 years.

    It's hard but after dating a month no dude gets to tell you stay with me leave the job.

    He could've expressed his dislike for LD relationships and wished her well because the job is important to her. Not get butthurt and try to make her choose him tho. It's ultimately her choice. And he shldve just let her make it instead of trying to tell her what to do.


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