Booty-blondie69 on-line sex chats for YOU!

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13 thoughts on “Booty-blondie69 on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I suppose everyone has their own opinion of what cheating is. You might have different opinions to it. It's up to you to decide whether you disagree so strongly with his opinion that you can't move forward with this relationship, or that it's something you can work around. In that case you could apologize and tell him you didn't realize he considered that cheating, and that you two need to figure out a definition of cheating you can agree on.

  2. I was pondering getting my daughter the 23 and me or the Ancestry DNA kit for Christmas. I absolutely know who her parents are (I was there). I thought she might find it interesting since she has a lot of ancestors from different parts of Europe, and rumors of some other ancestors from elsewhere.

    These tests aren't on the market to be used as paternity tests. I don't know if I would be as suspicious as you are.

  3. Oh gosh. Okay. Well, I am envisioning telling him in the presence of whichever lawyer I find after I’ve worked with them to prepare everything on my end. But if that’s not in their purview then I’ll do as suggested.

  4. Thanks for the advice, yeah I ran my question by my friends gf who I work with and she said it sounds solid so I think I’ll go with that and apply what you have advised afterwards, much appreciated

  5. Good question. I was suspicious at first but I’ve seen the tombstone, the police photos from the accident and I’ve witnessed the step dads abuse.

  6. Op, you're only 18 years old. Wayyyy too young to deal with this bullshit. You're going to waste years with that pos before you finally realize its not worth it. Dump his ass and move on ffs. Again, you're 18 he is not the last bf you will ever have.

  7. It’s something I genuinely tried to understand, and I know I asked her about why she did what she did, but she never provided me with much of an answer. He previous ex left during COVID because she would get pissed at him for his work trips, which were with her dad whenever they opened new campuses for their corporation. Either way, I appreciate you keeping it real brother.

    I feel she’s also lived a life that is simply spoon fed, as her dad has pretty much paid her way for everything, including the house she lives in along with the aforementioned Bronco from the post. There are some things she will never understand I suppose.

  8. at least charge him like a respectable escort!

    Lol.Move on asap .

    I wonder what color the sky is in his world.

  9. “I really like you a lot and I don’t want this to end, but i cannot guarantee anything right now because I know that I cant handle long distance”

    Assuming this is actually what you said, I think you need to be more direct. By saying, 'I can't guarantee' you've (inadvertently) given her some hope.

    As for what her friends and family thinks, in a way that's not your concern. However, it could be an opportunity to reopen the conversation.

    “Person, your friends and family seem to be under the impression we are going to continue to date after we both leave for uni. Did you tell them that? Because if so you and I have to have a more frank discussion.”

    If she can't/won't acknowledge that this relationship has a hot expiration date, then you might have to go ahead and break up now. Otherwise you are staying with her because you want to, regardless of what might be best for her.


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