Candas-johnson live webcams for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “Candas-johnson live webcams for YOU!

  1. Your husband is an absolute idiot. He may not be physically cheating, but thinking he's going to get lucky with this woman so he “takes care of her” while she scams him. Either way, you need to address this.

  2. Also I don’t think he would get mad if I was on his phone and “accidentally” saw it so I can say that…

  3. My fear is that he will ask the dreaded “why?” and then I won't be prepared with an answer.

    Dan explained it to me as him getting to see me 2 days a week, and me sometimes seeing Mike 4 days a week, so twice as many days. But the total amount of time with Mike is less on the days I see him than when I see Dan. I'd say that Dan and I have a strong relationship and we communicate well together. I was surprised to hear about Dan being uncomfortable with my time spent with Mike considering how many female friends Dan has. But Dan also doesn't spend time with his female friends outside of a group setting anymore.

  4. “I’ve been thinking a lot about it and I don’t feel right skipping my friends wedding – I will reach out to your friend and let her know myself that I won’t make it and apologize for the delay in confirming this”


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