I'm sorry to hear about this situation. To solve it, it needs to be mutual thought. If she doesn't want to solve it I'm sorry to say it cannot be fixed. What you can do although is to try to communicate how you feel about this. Hell, why not show her this post, make her understand how you feel. Maybe she has just given up because she feels like you already have, it could be of benefit to show her that you want to solve it and that you will fight for it. Maybe she doesn't see that. Best of luck
People are all different. I don't say I love you unless I actually love the person. However I don't get in a relationship untill I'm sure I fell in love. So I guess I also say the “I love you” really quick, Compared to people that date around and see where it takes them.
I guess what you two need is to talk about the situation, where do you both see where the relationship is going? Basicly making sure you two are on the same page or working towards that.
I've heard people throw I love yous so easy, family, friends. Personally it makes me feel weird. My mind would want to know if they loved me as a person that they enjoy hanging out with and care for or actually fell in love with me. These are two very different feelings.
Leave it alone. She has your number, she knows you're interested. Ball's in her court. Don't listen to your friends. Being pushy will only turn her off.
So when you both die, he goes to heaven and you go to hell, how will he feel in his heaven knowing that his beloved is doomed to eternal torment?
I'm sorry to hear about this situation. To solve it, it needs to be mutual thought. If she doesn't want to solve it I'm sorry to say it cannot be fixed. What you can do although is to try to communicate how you feel about this. Hell, why not show her this post, make her understand how you feel. Maybe she has just given up because she feels like you already have, it could be of benefit to show her that you want to solve it and that you will fight for it. Maybe she doesn't see that. Best of luck
People are all different. I don't say I love you unless I actually love the person. However I don't get in a relationship untill I'm sure I fell in love. So I guess I also say the “I love you” really quick, Compared to people that date around and see where it takes them.
I guess what you two need is to talk about the situation, where do you both see where the relationship is going? Basicly making sure you two are on the same page or working towards that.
I've heard people throw I love yous so easy, family, friends. Personally it makes me feel weird. My mind would want to know if they loved me as a person that they enjoy hanging out with and care for or actually fell in love with me. These are two very different feelings.
I just don't want anything to come back to my mom and I
Then you're an idiot if you're considering texting his wife
Anyway, you should text his wife and do so without regard for it coming back on you or your mom.
I think you are right. I'll try my best, thank you
Except he doesn’t trust you for 4 days to have a wonderful experience with friends.
What’s the next thing that he will threaten to end your relationship over?
You can’t talk with male classmates, you should be with your man more.
You can’t go out to a friends birthday dinner, he doesn’t like her and you should be with your man more.
You should stop taking the kids to see your parents, you should spend your time with your man more.
See how it grows? He’s this controlling now, what will he get to next?
You dump her. This is a dealbreaker, not a simple boundary. Nope!
What y’all don’t seem to get is that this info wasn’t in the original post.
Leave it alone. She has your number, she knows you're interested. Ball's in her court. Don't listen to your friends. Being pushy will only turn her off.
I really appreciate this perspective! Thank you so much ?
Thank you that really helped, I’ll just move on