CELIN-HOT777 online sex chats for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “CELIN-HOT777 online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Tell her you will no longer be around her when she’s had even the slightest bit to drink and stick to it, or break up with her. These are your only options really

  2. You might end up baby trapped so I would be extremely careful. You are right to not get married or even think of kids at this point..

    You aren’t happy and she doesn’t want to listen.. time to move on from her..

  3. I think your therapist friend is basically an idiot. No one can be THAT stupid to think fooling around and/or sex with other women isn’t cheating IF there is no feelings attached. See how absurd that claim looks? How your friend got you to “agree” with him is astonishing, to say the least. I would find smarter friends who won’t talk you into winding up with a nasty STD if I were you.

    Now back to the midnight spa. You did the research, saw it is seedy AND one of its numbers advertises as an escort service. You know what’s going on. Even worse is chances are decent that these are sex trafficking victims he is exploiting by paying for them. I would dump this creep too, if I were you.

  4. You both work full time, he works 20 hours overtime (so it's really 1.5 jobs), you have 2 kids under 5 and you feel overwhelmed. Ending your marriage will not resolve the situation. Redditors are quick to shit on the partner, who's always working and “not helping”, but honestly, you both are too busy and not coping with the stress and pressure.

    It's no one's fault, but it won't improve if you dont address the reasons for the stress. Seems like you have way too many financial obligations, scale down, work less. The system is designed to have you working all the time and in debt, families can barely get by.

    You either love him (somewhere under the stress) or not. If you do, you can sit down and try to work out how to get into a more sustainable rhythm. Couples counselling is an excellent tool. Dont give up on your partner just because life is hard and busy.


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