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26 thoughts on “ChocolateMami23 on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. You need to find yourself first. Relationships can follow afterwards.

    Most girls find it difficult to be with a man who isn't confident.

  2. Your gf is PURE EVIL!.


    She is using you, making you that dumb bf she can throw and pick up anytime she wants.

    Make the break a permanent break up.

  3. The reason 99% of people ask for a break is because they want to test the waters with someone else but keep their relationship as a backup plan in case the new person doesn’t pan out.

  4. Try coming at it from an “I saw this online and wanted to try it with you” angle. Then direct and school him as you start to kiss. When you're pleased with his ability to do it how you like, reinforce and praise the learned skill, i.e., “That's so hard. You're such a good kisser.” or “I love it when you kiss me like that.”

    I know “honesty's the best policy” but you don't want to bruise his ego and make him feel self-conscious every time he leans in for a kiss from now on. I think as far as little white lies go, this one's okay.

  5. My opinion it’s up to you guys. How comfortable are you guys, do you trust each other, did you discuss bills? My s/o moved in together around 8months and we laid out everything before we made the decision. Good adult talks are important

  6. sounds like you're underselling your behavior by calling it being grumpy. grumpy sounds much cuter than being rude, dismissive, and a dick to your gf for things that have nothing to do with her. it's so exhausting to be around someone who has a negative attitude, and exponentially so when the person is using you as a punching bag.

    i get it, i have anxiety and adhd, and when i feel stressed or overwhelmed (which happens very easily) i get extremely irritable. but because i know that, i work very nude to not take it out on others. it wasn't an immediate change once i started working on it, but it does get better. start to notice how your body feels when you are getting “grumpy.” work on communicating what you're feeling. know when you need alone time. it's ok to say “honey, i'm feeling irritable right now, i think i should go for a walk/to the bedroom/get some air. is it ok if we talk about this later?”

  7. Yes, maybe you're right.

    I like to believe there is always a way to communicate your boundaries, but I guess some people are just hopeless to deal with.

  8. Where is that? I didn’t see that anywhere in the post/comments. If I missed it, and this isn’t a standard he’s also holding himself to, then fuck that guy. Regardless, end result is the same, he isn’t the person for OP.

  9. No one’s putting a gun to his head to go out with you. As such, you have to assume he’s into you and attracted to you.

    Next, has a first date been set up?

  10. Could you give me some advices what I should tell her or what should i ask her about the situation?

  11. I don’t have a problem, I’m just curious if it’s something normal to be dreaming so often?

  12. All the men advocating for this approach have more than likely cheated and hid it before. Yet if OP were a woman, they'd be saying she's for the streets and telling the boyfriend to dump her. It's fine if it's a man doing the cheating.

  13. He's not going to marry you, my dear.

    Why would he? He has all the benefits and none of the responsibilities. I hate to say it but his view may well be 'Why buy a cow when milk's so cheap.'

    He's also 23 years older than you. When you're his age now he'll be 70. I strongly doubt if he's going to want another child, and if that's a deal-breaker for you, look further.

  14. So she's asking you to confront her every time she's acting this way? Maybe she should go to therapy and find ways for her to be a more open person rather than putting it onto you to confront it every time. That is a one way trip to resentsville.

  15. I'm a year younger than your fiance. Please believe me when I say that, although you're a legal adult, you're pretty much a child to me. I'd be wary of dating anyone under the age of 37. As for when you first got together, there is absolutely no good reason for a man (or woman) in their 40s to be dating someone who has only been out of high school for a couple of years. As for you being a good fit, it doesn't look like you are, does it? You want to get married and he obviously doesn't. So what is your plan? You force him to marry you and then he replaces you with another 21-year-old? Does that sound like the life you want to on-line?

  16. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My roommate brought up how my boyfriend and I might have an unhealthy relationship- and I completely disagree but I don’t know how to tell her otherwise.

    Her reasonings are: -I stopped going out (parties, clubbing, the bar) -She never sees me around anymore, and when she does it’s often with my boyfriend -When we do go out, I always end the night early and to my boyfriends

    I want to preface Im actively attended my university classes and Im still active in all my clubs and extracurriculars. So is he, we agreed to put our academics before eachother.

    To counter her claims: -I don’t go out anymore because I don’t enjoy going out. I’ve lessened my frequency of partying before i even met my boyfriend. However due to her requests, I’d go out with her, most of the time which I’d be sober and take care of her. Now, my weekends are busier because my boyfriend and I do things we enjoy that don’t involve alcohol or spending money or getting high. I prefer it. -I am often alone, usually at night after my classes or earlier in the day. That’s the same time my roommate goes out or is doing her homework or hanging out with friends. -Last point is similar to my first, I don’t enjoy going out. I still attempt to go out sometimes but it’s stressful for me and drains my energy. My boyfriend lives near the bars so it’s very easy to just go back to his place after making my appearance and socializing just enough.

    Also being with my boyfriend has made me a better person. He encourages me to study and follow my goals, and we both make time for our friends and keep our lives separated.

    I don’t feel the same about my roommate, who usually wants to get drunk or high, or spend our time talking about all the boys she had failed talking stages with.

    I don’t know how to make her understand that if anything, I have a healthy relationship now.

  17. He’s playing games with you. According to all you’ve written, I’m wondering why you even want this guy.

  18. There is never an excuse to cheat. If you and your partner are drifting you either bring it up and go to therapy then, or you leave them. There is never an excuse to hurt there person you claim to love like there. There is never anything your partner can do to justify that. If you’re unhappy leave. You don’t cheat.

    To me her actions aren’t justifiable. If she was unhappy she could have communicated or left. Instead she decided to break her vows and your heart.

    You already know the answer to your question, otherwise you wouldn’t be asking it. But to help you, yes you should leave her. It’s time to prioritize yourself, friend.

    If you feel up to it I would love an update on what happens and for you to confirm that you’re doing okay, no matter what you choose. We’re rooting for you, OP.


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