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7 thoughts on “Ciaaraebonyxxx live sex chats for YOU!

  1. So is every toddler living with their parents not allowed to call their house “home” because they don't have their name on the deed? Does everyone suddenly have to own the property they're living on before they're allowed to call it home?

    Fuck. Off. You. Pathetic. Pedantic. Ass. Troll.

  2. It doesn’t matter what’s a joke to me or not. I don’t have an issue with pronouns if the person truly believes it benefits them and it isn’t just to have control over one thing. I don’t know your ex tho, what I do know is that mentally stable people don’t do what you are doing. It’s why I hate the age of consent because people like you take advantage of it… it’s not supposed to be so ADULTS can have sex with children. You are a fully grown man who dated the LOWEST possible age where you couldn’t get in legal trouble. You dated some who was 16 – trans – changed pronouns – dumped you over a video games because that’s what they were programmed into even tho hog warts legacy has basically no impact on the author – and again DATED A 24 year old A mentally stable child would not do all of these things. I believe you took advantage of them, and that’s what I don’t think is a joke… if they were my daughter and you were the boyfriend I would have a serious conversation with my child and most likely … nevermind

  3. And they completely glossed over the unhygienic practices.

    I’m a dude but ima be real:

    Dicks, on average look and smell more or less the same

    Vaginas have a much wider range. That said it’s not like one smells like strawberries and another like broccoli.

    It’s easy for guys to have an experience and think “alright this is it, everyone else should be like this or it’s abnormal”

    I have no idea the true reason behind OP’s situation but my money is on her bf has awful breath and when going down his bad breath is hitting him in the face. Which begs the question, how could you even hiss this dude?!

  4. YOU HAVE VALUE!!!!!!!! You are a survivor! In hardship, you were brave and you did what you had to do to survive. And you love your daughter. You ARE STILL SO YOUNG and have so much potential!!!!!!

    Being a sex worker isn’t something you have to be ashamed – and anyone saying otherwise needs to heal themselves.

    You can still get you GED. You can still find a different career path. If you invest in loving yourself now, you’ll be amazed with how incredible your life will be 5 years from now.

    Everyday, make time to remind yourself that you are worthy of love. You got this!

  5. Look up 'sunk cost fallacy'. You are going to wake up 20 years from now and realize that you have spent 20+ years in a dead end relationship. The sooner you leave, the faster you can work on having a GOOD relationship.

    His behavior is manipulation – pure and simple. “pretends and packs a bag and goes and sits in a McDonald’s car park then scuttles home when he realises I’m not going to call and beg for him back. He then comes back and tells me he didn’t mean anything he said and he’s so sorry and he’ll do better next time

    The pushing and shoving – that's abuse.

    If you have kids – guess who else gets pushed and shoved? Guess who else gets to see this type of manipulation? The kids.

    Just because someone was abused doesn't mean they have the right to abuse others.

    Just because someone had trauma in their life doesn't mean they get to inflict trauma on thers.

    Which is what he is doing.

    No, he is never sorry. If he was 'sorry' he would stop. He keeps doing it because you let him. The 'bad' him is the real him. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. You keep making excuses for who he really is. You know he's a snake. Don't get upset when he bites you

    YOU need counseling to learn how to have strong boundaries around to learn that you deserve better.


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