Coral-smitth live sex cams for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “Coral-smitth live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Both of my parents were college professors. Education is very important to me so yes, it would be a dealbreaker. There’s also something to be said about shared experiences and having things in common.

  2. OP was crying and begging him to stop after possibly self harming because of the overload (scratching/hitting ears). unless they have talked about that being okay in some capacity, there should be NO NEED for a safeword here. bringing your partner to tears is a hot no unless it’s been discussed beforehand. it’s an opt in, not an opt out. “stop” is the default safeword.

  3. Growing up in a household where my parents very strict views of weight caused me to have body dysmorphia and probably disordered eating, your wife needs therapy. And perspective. I say that with kindness, but the sentiment is very serious.

    The most important thing parents can do for kids is model healthy eating behaviors and incorporate family exercise routines (a walk around the neighborhood after dinner or weekend hikes/bike rides, for example). Don’t over regulate their diets, unless they have diabetes or allergies or food texture issues. Let them eat the occasional slice of cake for breakfast or get an extra naked dog off the grill. Have plenty of fresh fruits and veggies for snacks. Encourage drinking water.

    Your mother is a role model and should be treated as such. She can even be a cautionary tale at some point, but the important parts are that she sought help and she has worked her way down to a healthy weight and physical activity level. Period.

    I have sympathy for your wife and her concerns, but having lived in the environment that she’s attempting to create, she is going to cause more harm than good.

  4. Dang, that is a TON of debt.

    I wonder if there are better options for interest by refinancing. Now is not a great time to refinance, as rates have recently risen, but 11% is huge. It's too late to change now, but I'm left wondering why she got private student loans like this in the first place! The interest rates on federal student loans (unsubsidized) are 4.99-6.54% depending on factors we don't need to discuss. A decent interest rate could make a HUGE difference in what these loans will cost each year and over a lifetime, so you might look into your options to refinance with better rates, and see whether the impact looks more manageable with a refinance. I suspect you could substantially reduce the required annual payments and/or pay the debt down much quicker with similar payments, by refinancing, but there's no question this will be a substantial financial burden no matter what you do with it.

    It sounds like you're really interested in having kids together. I would not recommend having kids together while this huge debt looms over you — and so, if kids are very important to you and/or your partner, sadly I'd suggest breaking up so you can have a chance for a more financially stable parenthood with someone else. Others have suggested a pre-nuptial agreement if you get married, which I agree with, but the pre-nup will not be sufficient if there are kids involved, at which point child support will be set based on your ability to pay, and her need, both of which will be high. And, kids are very expensive even as you stay together — that cost in addition to the cost of the debt will leave you with a comparatively austere life.

    If you're not so set on having children, your incomes are probably high enough to manage this debt together. This sounds doable to me, but you'll still have to decide if it's worth it to you. You'll have much more freedom without this debt to take vacations, or buy a house, or many other things, and you'll be giving much of that up by staying together. In the short term, you can keep finances separate, not contribute yourself towards her debt but just expect she'll be less able to contribute to other things you'd want to do together. But that's not a sustainable long-term plan. If you stay together for the long-haul, one way or another you will share responsibility for this debt. If that's not okay with you, better to cut ties sooner rather than break up years down the line over things you already know now.

  5. Sometimes measurement meets the same requirements on my conditionals. Suppose this was one of them.

  6. Yeah, I mentioned in another response to you that he is soooo contradictory. “It's harmless/ I knew it was so wrong that you might break up with me over it”. Well which is it dude, because it can't be both. “Oh no, I've gotten myself in too deep! / Can't wait to see you Angel, you sure do make me smile.” Again, saying one thing but doing the opposite. “It wasn't flirtatious, I was just giving her coachly encouragement/ I'm already making arrangements to stop training her.”

    All the contradictions are happening because he isn't telling you the truth, period. There's no contradictions in the truth. Also, this is happening after just over a week. It took – what? – 10 days for him to take it this far with a complete stranger? Not good.

  7. She should stay 7 more years to be sure???/s

    Honestly OP if you want a decent functioning relationship that actually leads to marriage and kids and commitment if that is what u want.. This relationship is very unhealthy for you and isn't gonna be what ur looking for.

    It's been 7 years… how much longer do u want to waste?


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