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idk whats with these comments. he offered lies. that's shady as fuck. maybe just break up with him because who tests partners by offering passcodes? just say no? and this would make me suspicious as hell about what he's up to.
Don't revolve your relationship around social media.
That’s good, I hope it goes well for you, . .
In my last relationship, I was miserable and thought that the right partner would make me happy. I found a much better human being as my partner, and I am miserable. I learned that I am the common denominator and should be alone.
She sounds terrible. You can’t “fix” a terrible person or make things work. It’s good you’re free and it’s your chance to move onto a normal, nice person and a healthy, happy dating situation.
I’m sorry but this is incredibly shady. I would keep a very close eye on this because it sounds like she’s cheating on you.
I think 17 and 19 would be fine. Or even 16 and 18. 15 and 17 would be okay too. In those younger years a 2 year age gap is max.
You've entered into a long term serious monogamous relationship with a 21year old. That's heavy. She's probably torn between her love for you and wanting to be free and experience young, untethered life to the fullest.
Hence, the choices she's made.
You may not know the full extent of her involvement in the incident for many years, maybe never. But regardless, it sounds as though she's just not ready to settle down.
I'm not sure how to talk to him about it. If I try to bring up anything serious usually he just kinda dips out of the convo.
Unless she's specifying a program like Telegram or Discord, it sounds like she's talking about the group chat type that I DO NOT do. Sending a mass text (which is the “group text” option I choose is different than adding Tom, Dick and Harry into the same chat.
I only read the TL;DR
Why in the fuck would you want manipulative and abusive, controlling people in your son’s life? They will absolutely abuse their relationship with your son to manipulate and control you. I could see them feeding lies to him to twist whatever they’re after in their favor; they will say things to him that hurt and undermine their relationship with you and their daughter.
You’re trading your son, wife and your mental, emotional and physical health just to have grandparents. What do you honestly think they can offer to enrich a child’s life? Look how they raised and how they treat both of y’all—why would it be any different for your child?
Go no contact and never look back. An abusive narcissist is never going to change for anyone.