Curvey Quinn live sex chats for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “Curvey Quinn live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Your father is old enough to be able to do nuances and try to look at things from both sides, like your boyfriend did. It's his job as a cop not to ignore the bad things other cops do. If your father can't do that, that is his issue to solve.

    You don't need to reevaluate your entire relationship with your boyfriend because your father disagreed with him one time.

    The conversation was about something that happened seven years ago. Did your father know one of the sniper victims? Has he himself been shot at on the job? Cause if not, it wasn't especially insensitive or poor timing for your boyfriend to make that comment. Your boyfriend was being honest and he didn't personally insult your father.

    What kind of advice are you looking for though? Do you want to know how to help your boyfriend and your father get along, or are you taking your dad's advice seriously?

  2. Given his drinking and cheating, I think it's very likely he has no real friends he could rely on, and it's possible he doesn't have family, either. And it's also very likely that even if he did, that they wouldn't be able to help with medical bills and such, since he's on Sami's health insurance. (Seriously, the U.S. needs to get with the rest of the first world on this and give medical coverage to all of its citizens.) She may not be “showing up for the relationship” and is instead “showing up to save a human being from the indignities of the reality of health care in the U.S.” and it's just beside the fact that they used to have a relationship.

  3. lmaooo. You need to step back and take a good look at yourself. This is not a good look and you need to get a grip.


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