Cyntia-Cossio on-line sex cams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Cyntia-Cossio on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Kelfie23 enjoyed your feed, but this married military guy you married was like 20 years ago. You should stop looking at the past wasting your life constantly talking about it, & focus on your loved 1's & your current husband that is probably dying for some of your attention you constantly waste bring your you other ex each & every single day. Quite obvious your heart still with that dude that sounds like a loser, as you probably have a great guy waiting for you to get over your off her exes you probably have many cha cars to in life. Spending more time in internet nonsense than your life is just wasting an amazing life away that someone is waiting for you to share now…. forget about your other dudes. Not a single day goes by I bet your not talking about your exes, be real with yourself. That's the past…your an amazing catch, don't waste to this garbage. My opinion I would t be in this garbage everyday as you have a dude wanting you, food for thought. Best of luck with the that is in your present wanting you….❤️

  2. Thats cool if you need to vent you know where Reddit is and ill try help where i can dont throw this away till all settled with not sure where your from so time difference may be a thing but let us know how the talk goes.

  3. Perhaps I reading this wrong but it sounds a bit like “I presented myself to him as being an ABC woman, bur now that we're living together I'm showing him I'm really an XYZ women”, did I misinterpret that?

  4. Yeah, him calling at 1:30am means he feels comfortable doing that- so OP hasn't properly put down boundaries in place.

    I think all the people ripping the BF to shreds in the comments would be more understanding if they were in his position. If you're dating a guy with a female best friend who's calling him in the night, you can't pretend like that's something you'd be perfectly fine with.

  5. You like what you like. It's not good or bad, it's what you want and you have an absolute right to pursue what you want. If it's not your ex, so be it. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty.

  6. I worked until I was 20. I think I should have been clearer about that. I just don’t consider a job a career. As a housewife I had a side hustle (until I had my baby boy)

    He doesn’t withhold sex. It’s just we’re exhausted/burnt out/sleep deprived. Also a massive pregnant belly makes sex a lot of work. Low labido is ok. It’s normal. Just is a show of how much our intimacy has really declined

    My field is still behind the times where gender is concerned. It’s not great but that’s stem for you. I felt I needed to clarify it because people are assuming he’s abusive based off our ages and I just needed to be clear.

  7. I think it’s about time for you to give her a much needed wake up call.

    No one gets to dictate who you bring over your house . She is not a co-owner of your property, she is your tenant .


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