Darkyoishat69 live webcams for YOU!

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4 thoughts on “Darkyoishat69 live webcams for YOU!

  1. It sounds like your mom has been seriously crossing your boundaries, which is not acceptable. It's important to set boundaries with your loved ones and to communicate those boundaries clearly. It's also important to enforce those boundaries and to not allow others to violate them. One thing you could try is having a conversation with your mom about your boundaries and the need for her to respect them. You could explain to her why you need to set boundaries and what those boundaries are. It may be helpful to give her specific examples of times when she has crossed your boundaries, and to explain how those actions made you feel. It's important to approach this conversation in a calm and non-confrontational manner. You want to express your needs and boundaries without blaming or shaming your mom. You could try using “I” statements, such as “I feel disrespected when you make appointments for me without my permission” or “I need to have control over my own bank account.” It's also important to be prepared for the possibility that your mom may not be receptive to this conversation. In that case, you may need to take steps to protect your own boundaries, such as changing your phone number or limiting the amount of time you spend with her. It may also be helpful to seek support from a therapist or counselor who can help you navigate this situation.

  2. I feel the same but I think I know how he would feel about it so I'm concerned about being given this information. I personally wouldn't care but it's not my sister or friend. :/

  3. Very simple. If he is in a monogamous relationship you leave him alone. If both of you are in open marriages then just hit him up via email or whatever contact method you have and ask him to hang out then go from there. Although I have to say he tips the creepy scale a bit for me with the stuff back in high school. I know you said he didn't cross any line but his timing of giving you the contact information reveals that he isn't slick. We know what he is up to. There is a small chance that you were the one and only girl to make him blur this teacher/student boundary but it's unlikely. He is likely a smart guy but has incredibly bad judgement and doesn't seem like a great long term partner but that doesn't sound like it's your goal. If it's all for cheap thrills then go for it assuming he is not in a monogamous situation.

  4. OP specifically says in the first sentence that her husband knew these guys from their wedding and that she slept with “some of them”. Also, these weren’t friends husbands, these were the friends. I definitely think it needs to be discussed. Because if not, something like this happens and it can be relationship ending. This applies to if OP was a man or woman too. At least that’s my thought.


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